29. 24th forgotten

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29. 24th forgotten

As the days passed and the anticipation for the upcoming matches grew, the atmosphere in the team's training facility crackled with energy. Shubman, Ishan, and their teammates pushed themselves to the limit during every practice session, determined to fine-tune their skills and strategies.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the field was bathed in the warm hues of twilight, Shubman and Ishan lingered on the pitch, engaged in a friendly yet intense scrimmage.

"Come on, Ishan, show me what you've got!" Shubman called out, a grin spreading across his face as he deftly dribbled the ball past his teammate as they indulged in a friendly football game after their intense cricket practice.

Ishan chuckled, his competitive spirit igniting as he sprinted to intercept the ball. "You're not getting past me that easily, Shubman!" he retorted, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Their banter echoed across the field as they continued to challenge each other, their movements fluid and precise. With each pass and tackle, their bond as teammates and friends only grew stronger, fueled by their shared passion for the game.

Meanwhile, in her studio tucked away in a corner of the facility, Nandhini was completely immersed in her work. With sketches spread out before her and her imagination running wild, she meticulously brought her visions to life on paper.

As she added the final touches to one of her designs, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over her. These jerseys weren't just pieces of fabric – they were symbols of unity and strength, representing the unwavering spirit of the team.

Just then, Shubman appeared in the doorway, his gaze softening as he watched Nandhini at work. "Hey there," he greeted her, his voice warm with affection.

Nandhini looked up, a smile lighting up her face at the sight of him. "Hey, Shubman," she replied, setting down her pencil. "How was practice?"

Shubman stepped into the room, his eyes flickering with admiration as he surveyed her creations. "It was intense, as always," he answered, his tone reverent. "But seeing you here, pouring your heart into these designs... it reminds me of why we do what we do."

Nandhini's heart swelled with gratitude at his words, her cheeks flushing with warmth. "Thank you, Shubman," she murmured, touched by his sincerity. "I'm just trying to do my part to support the team."

Shubman crossed the room to stand beside her, his presence comforting and reassuring. "And you're doing an amazing job," he assured her, his hand finding hers. "I have no doubt that the boys are going to love whatever you come up with."

Nandhini's doubts melted away in the face of his unwavering confidence, her determination renewed. "I hope so," she replied, her voice steady. "I just want to make sure that they feel confident and proud when they step out onto the field."

Shubman squeezed her hand gently, his gaze filled with pride and admiration. "They will, Nandhini," he promised, his voice soft but resolute. "And they'll know that it's all thanks to you."
As the evening light cast a gentle glow around them, Shubman couldn't resist the overwhelming urge to express his love and appreciation for Nandhini. With a tender smile, he leaned in closer, his eyes locked on hers with a depth of emotion that needed no words.

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