Part 1: A New Life?

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And then it was as if my mind stutters and goes from the focus of hunting to the memory that I was going to go hunting with Hawkstrike last night. And the memory of what she did.

When my mind clears, I find that I am staring down at my paws - empty, with a half-eaten berry next to them.

"Since you've been living in this forest your entire life, I'd expect you to hunt well."

I snap my head up and see that stupid tom standing a few tail-lengths away from me, and with my mouse dead at his paws. "Everyone messes up every now and then," I hiss. "I told you to leave me alone! Have you been following me?"

He shrugs. "I guess when I started walking in the general direction you went I randomly found you again."

"And come right on time when I miss the mouse?" I growl softly, rolling my eyes. "Yeah, sure."

The tom looks away from me and shuffles his paws. Is he embarrassed? Good. "Okay, maybe I was sort of following you... But I wanted to ask you something."

"And that is?" I meow irritatingly.

His - expectant? - yellow eyes zip to mine. "May I travel with you?"

My initial response is to stare at him disbelievingly. My second response is to yowl at him, "Are you kidding me? I literally just said only moments ago to leave me alone and that I want to be on my own. Are you deaf?"

He blinks once and then meows, almost to himself, "Yeah... maybe I should have talked a bit more before asking that...."

"Or not ask that at all," I counter.

The tom gives a heavy sigh. "Will you please let me start over, like a proper introduction?"

I glare at him for a few heartbeats, and then eventually decide that maybe he'll stop hunting me down if I do. "Fine," I reply coolly.

He gives an appreciative nod - funny how quickly he can go from a mischievous kit to a formal kittypet - and starts. "First of all, my name is Scamper, but you can call me Scamp."

I have the politeness to not interrupt him; the shorter the conversation, the quicker we can part ways forever.

"Yes, I am - or was - what you called me; a kittypet. My housefolk - or Twolegs - randomly took their stuff and left the house one day, and never came back. I decided to leave my home, too, and wander the lands, to see what they have to offer. Now," the tom - or Scamp - concludes, "what's your story? You've been alone all your life?"

A pang enters my chest as I recall, once again, Hawkstrike. Sure, the Clan was nice, but Hawkstrike made me feel special, and have some more purpose to my life. Again, that swirl of envy entered my mind. Oh, how I wish Rosebreeze to -

"Is everything alright?" Scamp asks me, stretching his neck forward to look at my eyes.

Wow. Doesn't he love to speak at all the right times? But I say nothing... I don't know what to say. My mind is again clouded in those painful, lost feelings.

However, what he says next shocks me immensely.

"Something is causing pain to you, and - is that... envy?" Scamp takes a few paces closer to me. "I can see it in your eyes. What is it? You can tell me. Get it off your chest."

Curse him for taking advantage of me when my mind is clogged like this! But... I cannot resist.

"You want to know my story?" I begin. "Here it is: I lived in a Clan of cats called ForestClan, if you've ever heard of it. All my life my Clanmates and I got along well, going out on patrol together or hunting with each other, seeing how many pieces of prey we can catch. Clan-life is fun, and gives you a great purpose to live - to protect and take care of your Clanmates. But what I always considered to be the main goal in my life is to find a mate and have kits. And not too long ago, I thought I finally found the perfect tom in the Clan. His name was Hawkstrike. We began to hang out with each other a lot, talking and hunting and taking walks out in the forest. I was in love with him, and he was in love with me. Or... I thought. It turns out that his 'one true love' is a she-cat named Rosebreeze. I tried to get her out of the way so Hawkstrike and I could be mates, but obviously... that didn't happen. He ended up forcing me out of the Clan just to protect Rosebreeze from me. A coward move in my opinion, now that I think of it. A tom who isn't strong enough to protect his loved one? Hmph."

I honestly did not notice how much I am rambling....

"Wait, wait, wait..." Scamp meowed quickly, shaking his head before looking at me again. "This Hawkstrike cat forced you out of your Clan just so he can have Rosebreeze all to himself?"

I snort and reply, "I could have either left the Clan or stay but risk my life if I messed with either one of them."

"What a fox-heart!" he screeches. I was slightly surprised at his expression and fiery yellow eyes. "No offense, but how could you like a cat like that?"

My ears perk up. "He was perfect before that happened...."

But he's right. How could I like a cat like that? He practically threatened my life, and I'm still here missing him and getting jealous of who's with him.

Silence then spreads out between us two, until Scamp - of course it's him - breaks it with the same question.

"So, may I travel with you?"

I look at him, but this time, no hostility - or, not as much as the past. "Give me one reason why I should allow you to travel with me."

His tail gives a happy flick. "Just wait - I need to think on this one." His gaze stares off to nothing for the longest time, but I am semi-flattered that he thinks I'm worth taking the time to think over an answer.

I see him nod slightly, as if agreeing with himself, and turn his attention back to me. "In my eyes, every cat deserves to be cared for in someway. Whether that'd be as a friend, or a partner." A few heartbeats pass. "Is that good enough?" he asks with bright eyes.

A wait a few more heartbeats before I give him my answer. "Good enough," I repeat. "But only for a few days. Is that clear?"

"It's perfect," he answers. I see a glint in his eye that gives me a feeling he can do better.

We will see.

"Hey, I just realized: you didn't give me your name."

"Cedarfrost. My name is Cedarfrost," I reply unhesitatingly.

"Cedarfrost..." echoes Scamp. "That's a unique name. I like it!"

"Thanks. It's a Clan name," I respond. Then I look at the fresh-kill. "Now, can I have my mouse back? I did find it after all, and haven't eaten since yesterday. I'm starving."

Scamp flashes me a grin and then goes to retrieve the prey. When his back is turned towards me, I can't help but give a small smile back.

Perhaps it will be interesting having a life outside the Clan.


I didn't really expect this first part to be this long but I think it's fine. ^-^

I actually have been thinking about writing this sequel for quite a while now, before school was even out for me. I love all the comments I got back on Me, or Her?. Most of them were hating on Cedarfrost xD But that's perfect, because 1) I love how I created a character where people genuinely hate and 2) it gave me the idea to make this sequel in the first place. I mean, now I think it's necessary to see Cedarfrost's point of view and how she feels about all that happened, and what will happen since she left the Clan.

I have no set schedule for this short story, so it will be updated at random until it is done. Keep a look out for it!

Thanks for reading! :D

Hate, or Love? (Sequel to Me, or Her?)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum