Ch. 2

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This past week has been quite heavy on me. In between trying to see my brother, and being the president's girlfriend.

Of course, this meant glares in the hallways, but whatever. Kiyotaka had successfully maintained an average reputation.

"I know he's kind of good looking, but he can't compare to his sister in anything! Are they even siblings? Whenever I saw them, he always acts like she's a stranger,"

I heard that, but decided to leave it at that. If that is what Kiyo wanted, then I wouldn't want to meddle. I shuddered just thinking about the consequences of making him my enemy.

"So, Illa, what are your plans for the weekend?" I asked my friend. I had three in total, Rika, Illa, and Risa.

And as you might have guessed, Rika and Risa were twins. Completely identical, fraternal twins, you'd say.

"Not much, what about you?"

I rolled my eyes, thinking about the conversation from earlier. "For this act to be believable, I would like to know you, Misa. You should know as much about me as you can. We will be spending the weekend together for this purpose. I will pick you up from your room at noon tomorrow."

"What!? But, I have THINGS to do," I said, stopping abruptly.

I scoffed, "I wanted to talk to my brother, get to know him."

"That can wait. You remember our contract, correct?"

"Don't you have a sister? How about spending time with her?" I asked.

"You're coming with me tomorrow. No questions," he said sharply.

Just then, a wicked plan came into my head. Sure, I WOULD come. But he never said I can't bring anyone along. Now, all I have to do is meet his sister.

Smirking softly, I said, "Oh, yes, my boyfriend and I will be going out, but, we're bringing his sister too,"

"Woah," Rika said, "Getting familiar with your in-laws already?"

As soon as I heard those words I fake-gagged, "It's not like I'm getting married, guys. This relationship will be over soon,"

Risa said, "Oh, you mustn't think like that Ayanakoji san! You two~ are perfect for each other! Don't think just because girls have his eye on him, he'll break your heart!"

"That's right," Illa said, "Those girls can't compare to you. In fact, you're better than Hirokita Kun...HE should worry about that, especially now that Nagumo's officially going against him,"

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, you didn't hear?" Rika asked, "Apparently, they made a bet today right after the lessons! Nagumo Kun wanted to fight Hirokita Kun for your heart, as they put it. They said, that in six months, you will have to choose one of them, and whoever loses will have to give all their private points to the other."

"What!?" I burst. How absurd! As if I would choose anyone.
"But you'll choose Hirokita Kun, right? He IS your boyfriend after all," Illa said.

True, I mean- I had a reputation to uphold. If I chose Miyabi over Manabu, most will probably slander me about not staying loyal.

"Hmmm- well, how did my brother take this?" I asked.

"He well...he didn't say a word, just saw the whole thing with that poker face of his."

"The president's sister was agitated though, in fact, it seems that Ayanakoji kun and Hirokita san know each other well," Risa added.

"Really?" I started to get interested. Well, I smiled, this was fitting into my plan perfectly.

"Woah, your grin looked a little scary back then, Misa," said Rika.

"Huh? Well, I was thinking, I just remembered, I had something to do. I'll see you all later!"

Running down, I made my way to 1-D.

I saw Chibashira Sensei heading out. She knew me well, because I was obviously part of the student council before.

"Sensei," I greeted her.

"Ayanakoji," she said, "Your brother is the biggest defect in 1-D. Hopefully, you know that as well."

With that, she left.

Of course, I knew. I knew it all too well.

I waited for most of them to go out, before stopping Suzune. "Hirokita san," I said, "Would you talk to me for some time?"

"Sister," my brother acknowledged, right behind her.

"Sure. But please make this fast," she said, turning to me.

The fact that she agreed only indicates she respects me and holds me in high regards.

"Do you need to talk to Hirokita alone, sister?" Kiyo asked.

"No, Kiyotaka, you can stay. Hirokita san," I said, addressing her, words would be vital right now.

"As you might already know, me and your brother are dating, correct?"

She paused, "Yes,"

"And you are also aware of what occurred this afternoon, correct?"


"I want to know what you think of it. You see, although Manabu is competent, he might lose this."

A startled expression came over her face. "What do you mean, Senpai?"

"Well, Miyabi has always been a good friend of mine. He is a twisted person too and risking all his private points. There must be a catch to what he said. I was not there, hence, I can't deduce it, but- be sure of it. That is why," I said, "I need your assistance. If Nagumo HAS made that bet, then it will be a problem. Because most of class A's private points are with your brother. In return for your help, I will tell you all about the S-system."

She seemed to thing about it, but then said, "Alright. How can I help, Ayanakoji san?"

"Call me Misa. And could I call you Suzune?"

She nodded.

"Listen, the first step would be to help your brother gain trust in you. I tried convincing Manabu, because I thought you'd be vital help to us, but he wouldn't listen, so- you must come with me to the date tomorrow!" I said.

Her eyes widened, "Your d-ate?"

"But sister, wouldn't this make Hirokita kun distrust his sister more?"

"Initially," I replied. "Listen, Suzune- your brother really does care about you. All we need to get him to do is express it properly. In fact, it would be perfect if you came along too, Kiyotaka. It wouldn't seem suspicious if the two families are getting along, and seeing Manabu's interest in you, I'm sure he wouldn't object to YOU being there. If you bring Suzune as a friend, Manabu can't say anything about it. In return, you can ask for any favor you like."

"Are you sure this plan would work?" Suzune asked.

"Of course. So, are both of you ready to cooperate?" I asked.

"Alright," My brother said, as Suzune nodded.

"I can't wait to see Manabu's face tomorrow when he sees you two~" I smirked.

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