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(the abv. picture is Misa)

The white room. Even now, I fail to understand its true purpose. I knew, for a fact- that it was to prove there are no 'natural' geniuses. The true genius grew up in a surrounding that made him that way. Although attending the white room was the greatest asset in my life, it was the greatest burden, as well. My mother, who I barely remember anymore had left after my brother was born. I didn't even see my brother till date, in fact. However, I had heard he was the only survivor of his generation. As expected, a newborn baby, with no body to nurture him, he must see the world and people as chess pieces, nothing less, nothing more. I, however, am not in that light. I see the world similarly but not the same. I was raised by my mother for two years until my father sent me to the white room. As a result, I wasn't emotionless, yet capable of high intellectual thinking.

If Kiyotaka had used the chance I gave him to got to the ANHS, with a high college entrance rate, as well as a high employment rate, then that would mean I would see him today, for I had allowed the butler to arrange so, I was in my third year, now it would seem. I was the only survivor from my generation as well. I brushed my long wavy light brown hair. The only thing I remembered about my mother was that we shared the same eye color. Light brown with flakes of gold.

I had always thought them as odd, but gotten used to them nevertheless. I checked my uniform, and headed to the bus. I had used the chance of the holidays to buy myself time to go outside the school, two weeks, to be precise. And now, I was heading back. Life HAD been fairly normal for the past two years. Now that Kiyotaka, my brother would be coming, my father would try to get one of us expelled. He wouldn't bear to lose both his most prized possessions. I had different plans, however.

I spotted the first years as I approached the bus, and got on. 'Equality' huh? Doubt that exists. "Misa San!" A voice said from beside me. I saw a girl with short hair, staring at me. "Do I know you?" I asked, frowning, it is rude to call someone by their first name on the first meeting.

"I'm Kikyo Kushida. I've heard a lot about you. You are in the student council, correct?"

"Was," I corrected, "I resigned because it was too much work, I suppose."
"Wow, I hope to be just like you!" she said.

I glimpsed a different expression in her eyes. She is certainly not who she lets on. "Flattered, Kushida San. If you'd excuse me," I sat down on an empty seat joined by a younger boy who resembled me, except for his eye color and hairstyle. He must be...I realized.

It seemed he knew who I was as well, as he glanced at me. "So you're my little brother?" I asked.
"Pleasure to meet you, sister. Misa, was it?"

I nodded. "I suppose you took advantage of the opportunity I gave you?"
"I did," was the short response, as he looked ahead.

"How is the school like?" He asked.
"It's a good institution to those with merit," I replied.
"I wonder what that means," Kiyotaka replied.

"So, what do you plan on doing once in school? Let me guess, keeping a low profile?" I asked.
He simply nodded.

A girl with long jet black hair and red eyes sat right on the opposite seat.
She stared at me for a second before shifting her gaze. She must be that Hirokita's sister, I reasoned. He was always the overachiever, won anything he participated in. She would probably look up to him and hope to outshine him one day. Yes, that cold guy- pretty sure he won't even spare a glance at his sister at school.

"Class D, is it?" I asked, "A perfect 50 in all the tests. Impressive, how you managed that."

"I don't think that's impressive at all, sister. You are in Class A, after all," my brother replied.
"Don't bother with the act with me. I know far too well of your capabilities, little brother. You must think everything is about winning. Keeping a low profile is probably part of your strategy. Although, I don't think I could compare to you in terms of academics. We both know the past, after all."

COTE- Being HIS sisterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ