! ? : Frustration and Redemption : : [ONE]

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Ah yes, a fine evening after a kind conversation between the king of hell and his little daughter ! Oh ho ho ! Who am I kidding? It just ended up getting Lucifer all riled up !

There was a sense of frustration and anger in the air, it seemed to be coming from the big boss of hell himself like some sort of smoke machine, one could say . .

!¡ ☆ VIEW CHANGE : ' ' LUCIFER ' ' : :

Lucifer paced around the hallways of his own palace, rambling to himself as his trusty guard followed him as it is part of his services to his beloved owner, one could say as well he didn't have a choice, he was owned by the king of hell. The ' big ' boss sighed as he talked and walked in clear frustration, ' ' Ugh ! She never listens to me ! I told her to not take shit from other demons but no no, she wants to redeem these pitiful sinners ! Such sorry excuses of people ! ' ' He said to himself, just above a whisper as his guard drooped his deer ears down slightly due to the fact he was a sinner, a feared one to say the least.

While the king of hell, rambled to himself about his precious daughter being so stubborn, his guard just seemed to look around the area as he stopped walking. ' ' Ugh, it's not like she'll listen, she's as stubborn as I am . . ' ' He spoke with an annoyed tone until he turned around once again and taking a glance at Alastor as  a light bulb moment struck him, one of his bright ideas forming in his mind. He thought about how his little guard dog was perfect for his little project, he was the radio demon, a feared overlord, Charlie only knew him as a feared overlord, literally perfect for the job, he's the radio demon. Lucifer then walked up to his loyal servant with an intense glare, his dear servant then spoke up, ' ' Sir . . ? ' ' He said in a confused tone as he looked at the one who held him by chain in concern.

' ' Oh Alastor ! ' ' He said with a cheerful voice, wrapping his arm around the tall sinner's waist as he continued, ' ' Won't you help me with a little task?? A task between friends ! ' ' He asked with a smile, though he was not looking for an answer just quite yet as he knew he'd have to explain. There was a slight hue of blush on Alastor's cheeks, he fixed his outfit as he looked down upon the king. His master, the almighty ruler of hell continued to speak in explaination, ' ' You just need to find my daughter's hotel and ruin her plans- . . ' ' He was soon cut off by his servant tilting his head before speaking, ' ' Ruin, sir? ' ' He asked with a confused tone. He was met with an intense glare from Lucifer as a tiny warning to not speak over him, he spoke up in reply and said ' ' Well . . Ruin is not the right word . . I'm looking for . . ' ', this was spoken in a quieter voice as he let go of his dear guard's waist. ' ' I'm asking you to stop her plans to spare her little heart from breaking into pieces . . ' ' He continued, he really didn't want to see his daughter hurt.

The deer hummed to himself before speaking up, ' ' I don't know, I don't know, doing such a thing would require me to be rather rude and I don't have permission to do so, she's still your daughter. ' ' He said, he wasn't denying commands but he wasn't so sure about Lucifer's bright idea. The blonde was quick to reply, ' ' Ah ! Don't worry, I'll give you permission to be the rudest man hell has ever seen ! ' ' He said with a more cheerful tone, thinking that'd solve his dear's questions but he was proven wrong when he was questioned once again, ' ' And this, sir? ' ' The red head spoke, holding up apart of his uniform slightly, ' ' she'd clearly know what you're up to when she sees me. ' ' He continued to question his lord.

Lucifer chuckled as he looked at Alastor with a small smile plastered to his face, it was more of a grin if you were to judge for yourself. A reply came from his mouth, ' ' Oh ! No, you'll be going as . . ' ' He slowed his sentence for dramatic affect while tilting his head down slightly before continuing, ' ' . . The radio demon. ' ' He said as his dear guard raised an eyebrow. He soon spoke up and said ' ' Oh really? My old persona, sir? I mean how would that be believeable, a demon who hasn't been seen for nearly ten years coming back to help the princess with her little hotel? Do you take me as a joke? ' ' The deer inquired, he was a bit confused by his lord's plans but he still listened through. ' ' Oh . . no no, my love ! I have this all planned out in my mind ! ' ' The king said with a light hearted laugh right after.

He then put on a seducative smile, tugging on the collar of Alastor's uniform like outfit in a teasing way before speaking once more, ' ' So? Do you comply? ' ' He asked with the same smile. The deer was soon to reply to only be cut off by the first letter, ' ' I- hmph! ' ' He was pulled into a passionate kiss with the king of hell himself, what a lucky duck. Lucifer's tongue pushed into his ' deer ' guard's mouth, using Alastor's surprise against him. A gasp of shock was let out from the taller male as he only excepted a light hearted kiss, he soon gave in after a few moments like the good little boy he was. Their tongues dancing against each other, their saliva mixing between them, their hearts beating faster. They parted only for air, panting softly, Alastor spoke his reply, ' ' Y-yes . . My lord . . ' ' He said, trying to seem confident despite being breathless and unsure on how'd this idea work out. ' ' A-as it is my duty to serve your every command . . ' ' The deer continued, yes, he was not lying as he was supposed to serve his lord with no hesitations, ' ' If that's the only reason there is . . ' ' Lucifer replied as he stroked Alastor's fluffy ears.

A chuckle left the red head's lips, ' ' My lord . . ' ' He said, trying to hold back from laughing. He was met with a quick reply, ' ' Yes? ' ' was what escaped the lord's lips. '  I'm ticklish . . ' ' He replied, that was a really sudden reply as it wasn't excepted from someone like Alastor, the two then laughed together. ' ' Awhh ! ' ' The king of hell said, he giggled at the thought, he'll take note of this to use in his favor.

!¡ ☆ TIMESKIP : ' ' Upon Arrival ' ' : :

Alastor fixed his bow tie before knocking on the door to see the princess open it, her sweet smile turning into a shocked expression, ' ' Hel- ' ' he was cut off by the princess slamming the door in his face, he rolled his eyes, thinking it was rude but he kept a smile on his face as well the radio demon always smiles. He kept his stance as his shadow snarled, not being limited to smiling.

!¡ ☆ VIEW CHANGE : ' ' ALASTOR ' ' : :

He felt like that was rather rude but soon the princess of hell opened the door once again, he then went from where he was cut off ' ' -Lo ! ' ' He said with a grin, showing his yellow teeth but the door was slammed on him again. The red head heared chattering in the building, he got out of his stance and waited for the door to open again and with his patience being answered, the door opened. ' ' May I speak now? ' ' He said with his beloved smile, known by many and feared by many. Charlie, the princess of hell and the hotel owner nodded in reply as he soon spoke, ' ' Pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart ! Quite a pleasure ! I saw your little hotel on one of those picture boxes ! I haven't been that amused since the stock market crashed in 1929 ! Ahaha ! ' ' He said it so quickly that it was hard to hear for me at least, he then laughed before walking through the door as if he was an invited guest. ' ' Ha ! So many orphans . . ' ' He said, he flicked a tear from his eye with his ring finger.

He showed off that finger rather proudly as it held his wedding ring, being married to the king of hell was a big deal after all but he had turned the gem to face his palm since no one actually knew he was married except his beloved partner and practically everyone thought of the radio demon as an ace in the hole so him being in a relationship would be surprising. He was soon greeted by an angelic spear held at his chest, he pushed it down slightly and looked at the angry face of the girl who held the weapon. The red head knew he was going to not get along with her.

Well, today was going to be a long day in hell.

' ' Yes . . My lord. ' ' // APPLERADIO [ GUARD AU ! ]Where stories live. Discover now