50 ⋆*・゚:⋆ blondie.

Start from the beginning



She was about to hurry down when Hermione came running into her, carrying Hedwig.

"Oh hey, Ara, all packed?" she said breathlessly.

"Pretty much, yeah," Ara said, she then gestured to Hedwig. "What did your parents say about you being Prefect?"

"They were really happy," Hermione smiled before her face became confused. "I honestly thought you would get the badge."

"Me?" Ara pointed to herself, looking incredulous. "Hell no, I get too many detentions, besides, you're the best in our year, and the job was practically made for you, you deserve it more than anyone after all the hard work you've done."

Hermione beamed at her words, practically glowing, "Thank you! Anyways, I have to go give Hedwig back to Harry."

Ara made a dramatic gesture with her hands as she pointed towards the door, slyly saying, "He's all yours, sweetheart."

Hermione giggled slightly before Ara decided to finally head downstairs, dragging her trunk behind her, Venus was already in her basket with Mrs. Weasley.

"WILL YOU LOT GET DOWN HERE NOW, PLEASE!" Mrs.Weasley bellowed just as Ara reached the first floor, she heard footsteps behind her and saw that Harry was making his way towards them already.

Mrs. Black's portrait was howling with rage but nobody was bothering to close the curtains over her; all the noise in the hall was bound to rouse her again anyway. Ara wanted to rip her head off at the moment, the noise caused an irritating ringing in her ears, and that combined with her migraine was absolute torture, from the corner of her eye she faintly saw Harry take his place beside her, she could feel his eyes on her but she found herself unable to look in his direction.

"Harry, Ara, you're to come with me and Tonks, where's Atlas? He's with us too!" shouted Mrs. Weasley over the repeated screeches of "MUDBLOODS! SCUM! CREATURES OF DIRT!" "Leave your trunks, Venus is already ready and Harry leave your owl, Alastor's going to deal with the luggage. . . . Oh, for heaven's sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no!"

A bearlike black dog had appeared at Ara and Harry's side as they clambered over the various trunks cluttering the hall to get to Mrs.Weasley.

"Oh honestly . . ." said Mrs. Weasley despairingly, "well, on your own head be it!"

"Should we put a leash on him?" said a sudden voice from Ara's other side, she looked over at her newest brother and smirked.

"I think we should, shouldn't we? I mean he doesn't have his rabies injection yet. . ." Ara trailed off loudly, making the dog's head snap to her direction, and if a dog could glare, this one was doing it right now.

Mrs. Weasley wrenched open the front door and stepped out into the weak September sunlight. Ara, Harry, Atlas and the dog followed her. The door slammed behind them and Mrs. Black's screeches were cut off instantly.

"Oh thank Merlin," Ara rubbed her temple, "her voice makes my ears bleed."

"Tell me about it," said Atlas, before he sped up his pace and went over to make a conversation with Mrs. Weasley, leaving Ara and Harry in silence.

"I'm not judging you, y'know?" said Harry quietly, looking sideways at Ara.

"I didn't expect you to," said Ara, slightly adjusting her jacket.

"I'm just worried," Harry whispered, making sure none of the others heard.

"I'm worried too, that's why I read that book," Ara gave him a raise of her eyebrows.

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