49 ⋆*・゚:⋆ new fear.

Start from the beginning

Harry simply let out a small sigh, turning his gaze towards the ceiling and beginning  to tell Ara about the time Dudley tripped and fell down the stairs. As he told the story, he actually found himself greatly amused, and his thoughts didn't really drift onto the topic of the hearing.

He continued talking until he realised that it had become unusually quiet, so turning his head to the side, he found Ara fast asleep, her mouth parted the slightest bit as she drew in even breaths.

Smiling to himself, Harry reached out and raised her blanket up to her chin, knowing that she was bound to get cold during the night.

"Goodnight, Nyx,"

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

HARRY AWOKE AT HALF-PAST FIVE THE NEXT MORNING AS abruptly and completely as if somebody had yelled in his ear. For a few moments he lay immobile as the prospect of the hearing filled every tiny particle of his brain, he looked to the side and noticed an empty space, indicating to him that Ara had woken up before him once again.

"Morning," said a voice, making Harry instantly sit up.

Ara was leaning against the doorway, already dressed for the day and holding up freshly laundered jeans and T-shirt, which he assumed Mrs. Weasley had given to her.

"Er—Morning," Harry cleared his throat when his voice came out a little croaky, he hastily reached for his glasses and put them on.

"Get dressed, Wonder Boy, I'll see you downstairs," Ara placed his clothes at the foot of the bed and gave him a small wink before exiting the room.

As soon as Ara closed the door, Harry started putting on the clothes, trying to keep himself calm. He was nervous to say the least, he tried to replay Ara's words of affirmation, he tried to be optimistic.

When he was finished, he crossed the room, stepped out onto the landing, and closed the door softly behind him. Harry walked quietly down the stairs, past the heads of Kreacher's ancestors, and into the kitchen.

When he reached the door he heard the soft rumble of voices on the other side and when he pushed it open he saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ara, Atlas, Sirius, Remus, and Tonks sitting there expectantly.

All were fully dressed except Mrs. Weasley, who was wearing a quilted, purple dressing gown. She leapt to her feet the moment he entered.

"Breakfast," she said as she pulled out her wand and hurried over to the fire.

"M-m-morning, Harry," yawned Tonks. Her hair was blonde and curly this morning. "Sleep all right?"

"Yeah," said Harry.

"I've b-b-been up all night," she said, with another shuddering yawn. "Come and sit down. . . ."

She drew out a chair, knocking over the one beside it in the process.

"What do you want, Harry?" Mrs. Weasley called. "Porridge? Muffins? Kippers? Bacon and eggs? Toast?"

"I say give him water, he looks like he's about to pass out," Atlas sniggered but immediately stopped when Ara hit him in the back of the head.

"Just — just toast, thanks," said Harry.

Remus glanced at Harry, then said to Tonks, "What were you saying about Scrimgeour?"

"Oh . . . yeah . . . well, we need to be a bit more careful, he's been asking Kingsley and me funny questions. . . ."

Harry felt vaguely grateful that he was not required to join in the conversation. His insides were squirming. Mrs. Weasley placed a couple of pieces of toast and marmalade in front of him; he tried to eat, but it was like chewing carpet. Mrs. Weasley sat down on his other side and started fussing with his T-shirt, tucking in the label and smoothing out creases across the shoulders. He wished she wouldn't.

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