"It's 11:45, so there's a lot of places that should still be open tonight," Melanie says, checking hers as well.  Melanie looks over at me, debating. 

"Yes?" I ask, feeling like a jerk. 

"Where do you want to eat tonight?" Pandora and Melanie ask at the same time before looking at one another and laughing. 

"Can we do Pizza Hut? I feel like something fattening before tomorrow," I say, slightly perking up. I was getting married tomorrow, so it wasn't like two slices of pizza would change my figure overnight or anything. 

"Sure, there's one nearby," Pandora nods. As a shifter, she would have to be the designated driver. A Shifter's metabolism was made so fast it literally burned off alcohol made for and by humans, along with a majority of medications on the market. But that was a different story. 

We three piled into Pandora's vehicle, a classy cream colored BMW M4 convertible and drove away. The car was nice, smelling of cinnamon and clove and had heated seats also in the front. Pandora was absolutely proud of it, the vehicle being her baby.

The women stepped out, going in and eating a medium pizza between the three of them. 

"I can die happy now, I don't know when the last time I had Pizza was,"  Melanie admits with a sheepish smile. I give a small smile of my own but somewhere secretly I just want to go home. I wish I had waited. No, I wish I never went home at all. 

It was when my keys jingled as I came through the front door that my ears picked up the sounds deeper inside. First was shock. Then denial. Then there was rage. 

I slammed my keys down on the counter and crossed the house in what seemed like seconds, finding two shifters on the couch and one face down, ass up as my husband to be was buried balls deep in her black hole of an orifice. 

A scream of rage came flying from my mouth as my hand reared back on my own and slapped him, hard, the women immediately scurrying to put their clothes back on. 

"Shane you fucking bastard!" I yelled, my heart clenching in my chest. The rage was clearer than it should be. I realized in that moment that even as it stung... I wasn't shattered as I should have been as had I truly loved him. But god was I mad.

The shifters collected their clothes and ran for the door, the blonde leopard shifter he had been in the act of screwing was the last to leave, but the moment she disappeared, I whirled on Shane, my eyes lit with a fire that burned everything in my wake. 

"How could you? After telling me that it was all in my head? And to go enjoy myself? Well, I can tell you enjoyed yourself you selfish son of a -" I was cut short as his fist connected to my jaw, sending me sprawling to the floor. 

"You talk too much. Thanks for ruining my fun, bitch," he grunts, slightly slurring his words. 

Tears smart in my eyes as I pick myself up off the floor, gritting my teeth. "Get out. Now!" I yell, grabbing my house keys and my cellphone from the floor where they had been knocked from my hand. I looked at my cellphone.

Just great, my screen was shattered. 

"When I come back, you had better be gone. I'll let the guests know the wedding is off in the morning," I grind out, grabbing a regular pair of shoes and throwing them on without socks, my purse and wallet. 

Without looking back, I leave. Let him take whatever the fuck he wants. He just took my trust, nothing worse could be taken from me. With a frown, I make my way to a bar in two, texting Melanie and Pandora that I'm alright. And that the wedding was off. 

I attracted stares, many from shifters, some from humans. Across the bar, a white haired Dragon shifter caught my eye and gave me an approving gaze. 

The taste of whiskey and Fireball as it seemed to pour down my throat was Spicy and yet bittersweet. I could tell that I was getting very, very drunk. After two more shots, I stood and made my way to the crowded bathroom before pushing my way outside, the door in the alley snicked shut.

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