Ye Zi: "......"

Ye Zi stiffened and suddenly stopped moving. Gu Yan laughed evilly, picked up his root, and lifted him toward the orange cat.

"Ahhhhhh, don't——I won't pretend anymore. I really won't pretend anymore, wuuu......" Ye Zi's tense nerves were finally collapsing under fright. He clung to Gu Yan's hand as his voice took on a crying tone.

The small plant didn't have tear glands, but large tears fell from its flower bud, like small dewdrops, plopping and falling down in a series.

Gu Yan's heart instantly softened like no other.

He carefully gathered Ye Zi into his palm and gently stroked his leaves, softly comforting, "Alright, don't cry anymore."

Ye Zi kicked his hand with his small plant root and shouted in a sobbing voice: "Get the cat out of here, get it out of here!!!"

"Okay, I'll have someone carry it away." Gu Yan softly soothed him and ordered in a loud voice, "Someone, take Erbao away."

Two servant girls pushed open the door of the room and walked in. Before they could catch the cat, the orange cat took the initiative to jump off the table. It turned its head to gaze at the small green plant in Gu Yan's hand before strutting out the door.

Gu Yan ordered: "You guys can leave."

The door to the room was closed again before Gu Yan unfolded his palm.

When someone had entered the room just now, Ye Zi didn't dare to make a sound and his stifling caused hiccups to form. Sitting in Gu Yan's palm, the little plant cried and sniffled, looking exceptionally pitiful.

Gu Yan regretted everything at this moment. If he had known that Ye Zi would react so strongly, he would never have thought of this bad idea to force him to admit. He stroked the leaves of the little green plant and coaxed in a low voice: "It's my fault, I shouldn't have scared you with the cat, don't cry, okay?"

Ye Zi sobbed and asked: "A-are you still going to make medicinal soup with me?"

Gu Yan responded: "Of course not."

His voice was no longer as hoarse as before.

Ye Zi froze for a moment and looked up at Gu Yan. The latter was full of energy and his face was rosy. He didn't look the least bit sick!

"You lied to me?!"

Gu Yan froze and his finger hooked around Ye Zi's small stem as he played with it: "If I didn't, how could I get the little brat, who has been deceiving me, to reveal his true form? You can obviously run and jump and talk, but you pretend to be a little plant. Is it that fun to tease me?"

"I'm not pretending. I really am a plant." Ye Zi's leaves opened up and he exaggeratedly shook his branches in front of Gu Yan.

Gu Yan was amused by his cute appearance and tenderly wiped the water droplets on the leaves for him.

Ye Zi's sanity gradually returned and he asked suspiciously: "How did you know I can talk? And how dare you find a way to test me?"

"I didn't know." Gu Yan said, "But I knew that a certain little guy in my room could turn into a human."

Ye Zi, who thought his disguise was seamless, tilted his head and looked at him in confusion.

Gu Yan frowned and vaguely felt something off. However, he didn't think too much about it and pointed out Ye Zi's flaw without any delay: "Yesterday I asked someone; no new servant has entered the manor in the past month."

Ye Zi twisted the words and forced logic: "That's it? What if I am an assassin who came to assassinate you?"

Gu Yan laughed softly and replied patiently: "The material used for the clothes you wore yesterday was a tribute by the Jiangnan manufacturing workshop this year. The Prince Rui Manor only received two or three bundles as an Imperial gift and I only had one of them made into clothes."

Lord, Your Immortal Plant has Slipped Away AgainWhere stories live. Discover now