"Where's Luz?"- he interrupted not  interested in the bored things y/n and Lilith did being alone.-"I choose her instead of you to help me on my revenge!"

"Oh you're so rude! She's helping Gus."- King seemed to remember.

"I will go find her!"- he ran to the door and left.

"Is he always like that?"- Lilith slide closer again.

"You should have seen his human form. But I have no poison, he made that up"- y/n started to play with Lilith's hair again.-"do you have something to do tomorrow?"

"I have lots of things to do, taking Edalyn with the emperor is the most important of them but I still have other missions to complete."- Lilith explained

"When is your day off?"- y/n would like to plan something to do instead of only seeing Lilith unexpectedly.

"I will not have one of those any time soon"- y/n started to see why Eda wasn't interesting on joining a coven.

"Please Lilith, you really have no free time?"

"No and I have already risked a lot staying with you lately."- she complained.

"Is it that bad to stay with me?".- She smiled knowing the answer, Lilith had stayed voluntary on both times, maybe y/n's improvised questions helped but still it wasn't forced.

"I did not implied that."- Lilith smiled, she could get used to those talks.

"Well... Probably we'll have to take King to the playground tomorrow to get his 'revenge'."- y/n expected her plan to work.-"you could go there if you like to risk."

"I- am not sure."- Lilith looked at the floor.

"I understand you are busy, but until now this moments we have are my favorite thing in this place."- y/n explained and Lilith smiled looking at her.

"How old did you say you were?"

Y/n remembered Eda's words.-"I'm 24"-and had to bite her tongue to not make the question back at her.

"You're too bold to be that young, I thought you were older."- y/n didn't took that as a compliment and Lilith didn't say more but she didn't stand back either or stopped y/n from playing with her hair.-"what do you usually do in here? Since you have no magic?"

Y/n thought she should learn how to use glyphs, even if she looked normal, not having magic in there made her look like the weirdest creature.-"I help Eda with her human collectibles stand."

"Sounds logic."- Lilith replied.

"I'm great at that, I know a lot about human's world history which attracts some demons and then when they less expect it, we scam them!"- y/n smiled.

Lilith sighed.-"You shouldn't tell that to anyone else. Edalyn does not have lots of... Friends here as you might've notice."- she reluctantly accepted the scams because it was her sister but other people wouldn't.

"I'm pretty sure people already realized Eda is not the most honest witch in here. But I won't tell nobody else if you keep the secret."

"I guess I can do that."- Lilith rolled her eyes.

"You know what else scares me?"- y/n remembered one more thing.

"That you just confessed to be a scammer in front of me? Living with a criminal? Dying in here?"- Lilith asked.

"Yes, that too." -just then y/n remembered Lilith was the emperor's coven leader, she could capture her and send her to jail or something worse after that.-"but I was thinking about magic staffs."- but she decided to believe Lilith already liked her enough to let her keep her freedom.

"Seriously?"- Lilith frowned.

"It's impressive to be on that and fly, Eda is great at it! Do you have one of those?"

She closed her eyes deciding to forget what y/n said before."I do. Perhaps one day I can teach you how to use it properly."- Lilith didn't had planned to say that, she wasn't even supposed to be that close to the human.-"for you not to feel scared anymore."

"You're so kind, I'll be waiting for that day to come."-y/n lied expecting Lilith to forget about that too soon, she'll be terrified to try.

And suddenly again Lilith was as far from y/n as she could.

"Y/n!"-there was the reason.-"I order you to obey me and scare those little cretins!"- seemed like King didn't had any luck at finding Luz.

"King! Calm down and stop being so rude. I'm not gonna help you unless you ask for it nicely"- she nagged him.

"I need to go now."- Lilith stood up, she wasn't in the mood for playing with Eda's pet.-"I have a lot to do."

Y/n bit her lip and stood up too.-"listen King we'll plan how to avenge you at the playground later, say goodbye to Lilith and go upstairs."

"I will annihilate everyone there!"- he ran to the stairs but fastly came back to the living room.-"bye."-he angrily pointed his little hand at Lilith and ran upstairs.

Y/n smiled as she walked outside with Lilith.-"isn't he the most adorable baby you've ever seen?"

"Uh... Sure."- definitely not for Lilith.

"Do you really have to go?"

"Yes"- Lilith got her magic staff, it was impressive to say the least.-"I will not promise you anything y/n, but there may be a chance for me to go and see how you avenge that dog tomorrow."

Y/n laughed.-"I hope you do but don't expect much of our revenge."

Lilith didn't say anything, she just smiled and started to walk away.

"Wow! Bump was not exaggerating. You were a terrible student."- Luz told Eda, they were looking at her record.

"Kids are so not ready for this tyrant!"- y/n and King were planning his next movement. It'll be interesting to watch it.

The Owl House (Lilithxreader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora