★Chapter One★

48 2 0

(Third Person POV)

"Where IS HE?!" Kitty shouts, shooting up and she slams her fist on the long table in the IC meeting room.

"Kitty, relax. He's our newest member. He's still getting used to the whole thing." Mandy calmly pipes up from her seat beside Kitty. Kitty sits back down and crosses her arms with a huff, before pointing at Mandy angrily.

"Well you better MAKE him get used to it cause I swear to-"

Suddenly, the door burst open and standing in the doorway was a sweaty tired brunette doll. His multicolored eyes darted around the room as he huffed, looking at all the rest of the IC already at the table.

"I'm... I'm on time..." He gasped "Right..?"

Mandy, his closest friend in the IC, sighed and said:

"The meeting started five minutes ago, Nolan." She tried to be as nice as she could. Nolan sighed, mumbling a ton of apologies as he sat down next to Mandy in his assigned seat. Kitty gave him a judgmental glance and began.

"So, as you all know the cleanliness of Imperfection has been poor. Which is usual. However, it's gotten to the point where citizens have begun to complain." She stood up. "So to solve this problem, me and Ox have come up with a solution." She stepped aside, allowing the green bunny to step up. Even though the IC had no assigned "leader", those two were basically in charge.

"Our solution is simple." Ox began in his clear country accent. "One of us will go out and assist.." Ox paused and swallowed before saying. "Assist Lou-"

There was a collective groan from everyone else in the room, including Moxy and Nolan. (Who were supposed to be the nice ones) Ox sighed and went on.

"One of us will go out and assist him in cleaning." The room exploded into angry noises of disagreement from everyone except for Ox and Kitty. Ox tried to calm the room, but to no avail. Kitty cupped her hands over her mouth.

"SILENCE!!" She shouted. The whole room went quiet and everyone returned to their seats. "Continue." Kitty says to Ox. Ox swallows nervously and goes on.

"L-Like I said. One of us will go out and help him. But! Only temporarily. Just until we can figure out a better option." Ox says. A fluffy pink hand shot up. "Yes Moxy?"

"How will we decide who should go?" The pink uglydoll asks with a slight curious head tilt.

"A vote." Kitty answered. "I'll begin." She puts a hand on her chest and then points to the brunette. "I vote Nolan should go cause he's the weakest link." She states bluntly.

"Me?!" Nolan is surprised by this, and he can't help but feel like Kitty is just out to get him. But then, Wage speaks up with a hand raise.

"I second that." She says. Nolan turned to her with a "What the heck?!" Face.

"Alright, that's two. Anyone else?" Kitty looks around. Tuesday's hand goes up.

"I like raising my hand." She says with a dumb, yet happy beaming smile. Kitty looked around for more hands. Slowly, more and more hands went up. Nolan looked around and was horrified to see his best friend sheepishly raising her hand.

"Mandy..?" He mutters softly. Mandy looks away, ashamed.

"Well, then it's settled." Kitty states. "Nolan, you will meet Lou at the town fountain at 12:00 sharp. Do NOT be late again." She glared with her piercing teal eyes. Nolan opened his mouth to protest, but Kitty waved her hand. "Meeting dismissed."

All the dolls got up and began to leave. As Mandy was leaving, Nolan grabbed her arm and spun her around.

"What was that?!" He snapped

"Nolan look I-"

"Why did you do that?!" He interjected. "You know I-"

Mandy cut him off this time. "Even if I hadnt voted, they still would have picked you!"

"So why did you-"

"Is there a problem?"

Mandy turned around.

"Kitty!" She chuckled nervously. "We were just talking-" Kitty wrapped her arm around Mandy and glared at Nolan, Mandy's face heated up a little and she looked away from them both.

"Listen." Kitty spoke sharply. "Mandy is the only reason I even let you have this job. Without her, you'd still be painting stupid landscapes in your dirty basement." Kitty pointed at him.

"The lighting is good down there..." Nolan mumbled.

"So, if you want to stay here, I suggest you keep your head down, your mouth shut, and do as you're told. Understood?" Kitty's eyes shot through him like icicles, Nolan even shivered as he nodded. "Good." Kitty stood up straight and left the room, taking Mandy with her.

That night in his bed, all Nolan could do was stare at the ceiling and think:

"I am really not excited for tomorrow..."

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