Chapter 28-Black coffee; no sugar. no cream. Like a serial killer.

Start from the beginning

His thumb stroked mine, always somehow giving me the best reassurance there is. He gave me a sweet smile, and nodded.

His non-verbal reassurances were one of two things: either to savor the moment and not interrupt our eye contact, or because he is overthinking something and more often than not -- it was to cause bodily harm to someone. Knowing him and the current circumstances, it's definitely his father.

We sat there quiet for a few seconds until Axel's phone rang again. He picked it up before the second ring echoed in our ears.


He listened intently to whoever it was, nodding slowly from time to time. His tensed muscles seemed to relax a little bit, and the throbbing vein in his temple that was about to explode pulsated a little less.

Spencer was looking to the ground, trying to pick up any word he could, while Lana was eyeing him suspiciously.

What's up with her?

I sneakily pulled up my phone and texted her.

To: Lara <3

Why are you looking at perv dude so weird?

The message appeared on her iWatch, and she replied.

From: Lara <3

Nothing :* idk gotta make sure of something first.... but I have a feeling Spencer is the reason

To: Lara <3

What makes you say that?

From: Lara <3

Wes mentioned something and I want to punch him for it..

To: Lara <3

I know what you're talking about because he mentioned it.... he is sorry for leaking his prototype program and he wants to apologize but he feels like it wont be accepted

From: Lara <3


To Lara <3

wait...what were you talking about?

Our little texting session was interrupted.

"Okay guys, let's go. There's another place for us to lay low for a while to figure out our next move." Said Axel.

Within a few minutes, we were back on the road again. We all drove in silence, dread creeping on us. Cooper's "Linkin Park" playlist blared out of his headphones, while Lara typed angrily at her laptop. Spencer and Axel were chatting about plans to make sure the house's security was up to date.

I don't know why, but for some reason my gut was telling me to abort mission. Something didn't feel right, like we were walking straight into an ambush. I took my phone out to make sure no one was in my house. Going through all the cameras, I realized how dirty and untidy it was, but oh wells. Before I put my phone aside, I got a text from a blocked number.


"You may not remember me but I used to work with your parents. let's meet soon SoSo. we have a lot to talk about"

Who in the damn hell? The team that worked with my family was completely annihilated on the hit list. Who the hell is this? Is someone trying to mess with me?

"lets meet so SoSo"


No one has called me that name since I was ten...

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