Author's Note

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I know.

Another book?

Yes. I have a problem, and far too much free time in class. 

I understand that there are a lot of people waiting for the final rerelease of Heroes of Old. Actually, with how long it's been, I'd be pretty surprised if anyone even remembered it. But I promise that I'm working on it. I do plan for it to be published one day. I am just incredibly busy and don't have the time that I would like to dedicate to that story. 

Then why are you writing a different fanfiction? 

That's irrelevant. 

All humor aside, I wanted to very briefly address the trigger warnings for this book. 

While it will not be the main focus of the story's plot, this book does deal with topics of domestic abuse and child abuse. I try not to be overly explicit, but I don't beat around the bush either. Basically, if you think that reading about this topic will trigger you, please read with caution! I will place trigger warnings at the beginning of chapters that include heavier descriptions of abuse. 

This book's main plot is amnesia - shocking, I know. Now, I am not a doctor or med student, and while I do have a tendency to do research for my stories, I simply do not have the time to put hours of research into amnesia for this fanfiction. That being said, I'm probably going to say some incorrect things when it comes to medical scenes. Just bear with me, okay? I'm literally just a high schooler, and most of you reading this are, too. 

Disclaimer: This book is not in any way attempting to serve as an educational story on amnesia or head injuries. There are likely some inaccuracies, and we're just going to ignore them. 

Well, that's about all I needed to say. Thank you so much for checking out one of my works! Updates will most likely be random and unfortunately could end up being further apart due to the hectic nature of my life. But I promise I will try to not leave anyone hanging for too long! After all, my name is not Uncle Rick, and we do have standards here. 

As always, my friends, wear your seatbelt. ;)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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