The next morning arrived with a sense of urgency as the girls woke up a little late. They all scrambled around their dorm room, hastily throwing clothes into their suitcases and checking off items on mental packing lists.

"We need to hurry!" Aria exclaimed, her voice tinged with urgency as she zipped up her suitcase. "We can't afford to be late for the bus!"

Flora nodded in agreement, her eyes wide with determination. "We can't let this opportunity slip away," she said, her voice firm. "We have to make sure we're ready to represent Alfea with pride."

With a flurry of activity, the girls gathered their belongings and rushed outside into the Alfea courtyard, where they were greeted by the sight of the bus already waiting for them. The other students were already on board, and the teachers stood by the entrance, their expressions stern as they waited for the latecomers.

Miss Griselda's voice boomed across the courtyard as she scolded them. "You shouldn't be late!" she admonished, her eyes narrowing with disapproval. "This reflects poorly on our school. You must learn to be more punctual!"

Feeling a pang of guilt, the girls quickly climbed onto the bus, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment as they made their way to the back. Flora sighed as she sank into her seat next to Aria, her mind racing with thoughts of the exciting adventure that lay ahead.

"I can't wait to meet everyone at the other school," she said, her voice filled with anticipation. "I hope they're all as nice as we are."

"I wouldn't count on it, Flora," Andrea exclaimed as she settled down next to Hannah. "I wouldn't be surprised if they were as mean as witches," Hannah added, closing her eyes and drifting back to sleep. Andrea put on her headphones while Aria started using her phone. Flora let out a sigh and gazed out of the window.

An hour later, the bus pulled up to the College school, and the girls' jaws dropped in awe as they took in the sight of the magnificent campus. Towering spires reached towards the sky, and colorful gardens stretched out as far as the eye could see.

Andrea tapped Hannah, waking her up as everyone looked at the College for fairies. They all got off the bus and looked around. They were greeted by the headmistress, who welcomed them with a warm smile. "Welcome to Magix Academy. My name is Headmistress Rosalie" she said, her voice gentle yet authoritative. "I trust you had a pleasant journey."

Everyone smiled as Ms. Faragonda shook hands with her before turning to her students." Let me show you to your dorm room, and then you can take some time to explore our campus."

The girls grabbed their things before following the headmistress as she led them through the halls of the College school, their hearts filled with excitement at the prospect of exploring their new surroundings. As they entered their dorm room, they couldn't help but marvel at the elegant furnishings and breathtaking views.

"This is amazing!" Aria exclaimed, her eyes shining with delight as she took in the room. "I can't believe we get to stay here!"

"This room is perfect! I want it!" Hannah declared, her eyes fixed on the room. "I want this one," Flora added, while Aria settled down on the couch and Andrea took a seat in the chair. "I can't wait to see what this Academy has to offer," Andrea eagerly shared, and Aria nodded in agreement.

The girls went and started unpacking their belongings and picking them up where they needed to be for the next few days. Once they were done, they were all called out in the hall by Ms. Faragonda and Ms. Rosalie.

Letting out a tired yawn, Stella stood next to Flora, who was also standing with the rest of the girls. "Tomorrow, you will be sitting in on some classes to see what they're like. Just remember, you are there to observe, so please don't disrupt the students. For now, you have the freedom to explore the campus and have fun, but be sure to follow the rules," Ms. Faragonda stated before the girls went off to do their activities.

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