Act 2: The church bells are ringing

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(Mind the cover, I made it when I was first learning how to use FL Studio)

[The scene changes from the prologue to the present. We’re following the protagonist of this story, Monika. She’s wandering, seeking the assigned location.]

Monika: “I'm sure it's somewhere here, but I can't find it.”

[She keeps wandering around until she finds her destination. The Renaissance Church for Gifted Saints.]

Monika: “Well, this is the place. Time flew by so fast. I hope I’m not too late.”

[Monika opens the church door and walks inside. A nun stands near the main hall as she enters.]

???: “Oh, I didn’t know we’d have visitors. What brings you here, my child?”

Monika: “I got a letter that told me to go here tonight. Is this the right place?”

Sarv: “Yes, you are in the right place, my child! My name is Sarvente, and I’m the head of this church. But of course, you can call me Sarv. Anyway, welcome aboard to tonight’s tradition. I believe you’ll find someone who deserves a second chance.”

Monika: “I think I have, but I still need to figure out how it works. Do I only get one option?”

Sarv: “Well, every year on this day, we begin our revival spell to open the gateway to the afterlife and revive a spiritless soul. Unless the host wants to refurbish their own past life, but in the end, it will provide the host, or their chosen soul, with the divine awakening called resurrection.”

[Monika doesn’t respond and gives the eccentric nun a blank expression.]

Sarv: “We bring people back from the dead.”

Monika: “Oh, now I understand. When does the ceremony start?”

Sarv: “Around 11:00 PM is when we’ll begin. The gateway closes at midnight, and the ceremony ends at 1 AM. I shall begin the preparations for the ceremony in a few hours.”

Monika: “Oh! Okay, how can we pass the time?”

Sarv: “That is up to us.”

Monika: “Alright, I guess.”

[A few hours go by as Monika stays in the church, leaving her quite bored as Sarv leaves to fix the preparations. 10:50 PM rolls around.]

Monika: “I knew I shouldn’t have come here so early. It was so tedious to get here, and then the ceremony’s starting later than I expected….”

[Sarv returns from finishing up and speaks with Monika.]

Sarv: “Well, I’ve finished our preparations, but we still have some time before we begin.”

Monika: “That means we still have time to spare. So what should we do?”

Sarv: “How about we sing a song together?”

Monika: “Hmm?”

Sarv: “It’s a perfect way to spend our time! I sing all the time whenever Ruv isn’t around.”

Monika: “Okay, here goes nothing.”

Friday Night Funkin' Paradox: Renaissance ARCWhere stories live. Discover now