Moments of peace and quiet

Start from the beginning

Me: They're not as good as everyone says, we don't even have booze, so...

Hermione: Don't lie to me, the whole school knows that your house has the best parties, they even changed the password so that the purebloods from Badgerbrass and Ravenclaw could get in...

Me: Sorry Hermione, I'd even give you the password, but...
Hermione: Don't worry, I know what happens to Gryffindors who try to sneak in, Lee Jordan tried it and came back to the common room with boils...
Me: Yeah...
Hermione: But who wants to be around those snobs anyway...?
Mattheo: Snobs?

Mattheo appears in front of us and Hermione turns all red.
Hermione: See you, Rory.

She tries to get past him, but he gets in front of her. Mattheo: Where are you two came from?
Hermione: We were studying and we attacked each other, is that a problem?

Her tone had suddenly become more confident; she and my brother stared at each other for a few seconds.
Mattheo: Hurry back inside Granger or Professor Umbridge won't be happy.
Hermione: Do I need to remind you that I am a Prefect and until proven otherwise, you should not be here...
Mattheo: Umbridge gave me...
Hermione: Yes, I know, she gave you a medal for the Inquisition Squad, as if you and your band of friends weren't hateful enough, now you have permission to punish people at will!

He gets even closer to her

Mattheo: Umbridge is going to interrogate every student for suspected illegal activities and crap like that, so you'd better warn your little friends!

He bends down to the level of Hermione's ear, moves his hair and whispers to her

Mattheo: I may be as snobbish as you like, but I'm not stupid and I know that you and the little group are up to something... and I don't want you getting into trouble, is that clear?
Hermione: Yes. I'll get my brother away from her. Me: That's enough, let's go...

They both look at each other, but then Hermione gives me a wave, which I give back to her, embarrassed by the situation....

Me: What the hell was that?
Mattheo: I don't know what you're talking about sis...
I smile smugly...

3 hours later

The reflection of the lake makes the walls of the Great Hall green, and the dark green wax candles have a flame that has been made emerald green and fluorescent by a spell.
The music is blaring and the students of years 4, 5, 6, 7 are going wild like never before.

Mattheo is dancing with a raven-haired girl from Year 7, while Draco is dancing with Pancy; I'm not jealous!

The music is really loud and when Theo comes over to talk to me, it takes me a while to fully understand what he is saying.

Theo: Hey!
Me: Hey!

He picks me up and spins me around.

Theo: You look very pretty, you look good in that dress!
Me: Thank you.

We start to dance, but someone grabs my hand from behind, I turn my head to see who it is and I'm a bit shocked to see Draco dancing with Pancy behind us, his hand intertwined with mine...

Me: TheoTheo: Yeah?Me: Come smoke with me...

I take my hand off Draco's and go to my room, followed by Theo. Once inside, I slam the door, sit down on the bed and light a cigarette.

Theo strokes Zephyr and then sits down next to me and takes a cigarette from my pack.

Theo: What's wrong Aurora?
Me: I hate him...
Theo: Draco?I nod.
Me: I'm not with Potter because I want to be, but because it's a way to use him to get the information I need...he's with Pancy because he wants to be and until September I'd heard Pancy's name three times...I didn't know about "them"....
Theo: I'm sorry, Draco's always been a womaniser, but I know he really cares for you, otherwise he wouldn't make a jealous scene at everyone who hits on you.
I raise one eyebrow smuglyMe: Did he make a jealous scene with you?Theo: Maybe...Me: So you're telling me that you really hit on me and it's not just your way of being...?
Theo: That could also be...

We burst out laughing

Last day of school before the winter holidays

The atmosphere in the Room of Requirement was totally Christmassy; I could smell the scent of snow, even though there were no open windows, and various decorations adorned the room, making it all the more magical.

Me: 'Wow Ginny, that Reducto was powerful!

She smiles at me

Ginny: Aurora, you are really good with these spells, like you have studied them already...

Me: I just like reading spell books...

Hermione: Besides, you're my friend, so...

Harry gets the attention of all the students in the hall, Hermione and Ron join him and I take Ginny under one arm and Nevill under the other.

Harry: All right, boys, the lesson is over. We won't see you again until after the holidays, so keep practising for your own sake and congratulations to all of you!

I and the others start to clap; the others leave the room and I stay at the door to wait for Harry. Cho is standing there looking at a photograph on the wall; Harry gives me a strange look, then comes over and kisses me.

Me: What's going on?

Harry: I just want to see if she's all right, OK?

Me: OK, see you later then

Harry: Yeah.

It's true Harry, I don't like her, I got into this rather unwillingly, but the fact that she's hitting on my friend and he's going after her... LADIES THIS IS NOT.

I catch up with Hermione, who remains embarrassed when I tell her that Harry was left alone with Cho in the Room of Requirement.

Hermione: You're stupid too, I would have sent her away and told her not to hang around my boyfriend all the time!

Me: Yeah, but jealous girlfriends aren't for me.

Hermione: What are you doing for the holidays?

Me: Nothing as usual, I'm just going to read some books, drink hot chocolate and stay as far away from my toxic family as possible. ....

Hermione: Damn right, sorry, Rory...

Ron: What?

Ronald joins in with cream on his lips.

Hermione: Rory's going to have to spend the whole holiday with his family....

He makes a weird grimace

Ron: I don't want to offend you Aurora, but who knows how much it sucks, I can only imagine the cold of Christmas dinners... at least you'll have lots of presents, you're rich, aren't you?

Hermione elbows him in the stomach

Me: Yes...

And he nods at Hermione, not understanding the point of the elbow; Harry arrives at our hiding place and sits down next to Hermione, who looks at him carefully and then worriedly at Ron. They kissed... I can see the red on Harry's lips, it usually happens when the two of us kiss, so I can tell if he has kissed someone else...

Harry: What were you talking about?

Ron: The Christmas Rory's going to have, a ball in a nutshell....

Harry: Why don't you come with us?


Harry: What? I've already spoken to Plush, he'd like to meet you too.

Ron: It's risky, remember his family are on You-Know-Who's side!

Harry: So what?

I stop him; it would have been cool to go to the old Black House to get a better look at the things that belonged to that branch of my family, but it was extremely stupid and risky to expose so much. If they had asked me questions about my "family", I wouldn't have known anything about Nott myself.

Me: I don't think this is a good idea...

Harry: Think about it.

Me: OK...

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