Part 5

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You finished your exams and went home. You had to prepare for graduation which was happening soon. You hadn't told your mom about your pregnancy because you were scared. But you couldn't hide it for long. She eventually figured it out due to your morning sickness and always being tired.

Your mom blew up on you as expected, but after calming down she comforted you. She knew it was not easy being a single mom. But she said you would get through this and she would be there for you.

Graduation quickly passed so you focused on having a healthy baby. At the end of your term, you gave birth to a baby boy and named him Victor Junior. The kid looked just like his father. You hadn't told Dr Silas Stone because you were not ready and you also didn't know how to approach the situation. Your baby and your job became your life. You didn't even bother with dating. Part of you felt like you would be betraying Victor in a way so you just focused on your son.

Crazy things happened in Gotham City, but everyone was shocked when Superman died. You read and heard stories of flying monsters kidnapping people at the facility where Victor's father worked. Then, you heard that Victor's father had died in some alien attack. Your son's family was gone and you felt terrible.

Things finally seemed to calm down after a while, especially after Superman's miraculous resurrection, but you didn't know how long peace would last in Gotham.

Your son was turning 2 in a week and you were having a birthday party for him. You ran around like a headless chicken preparing for it. You were doing some last-minute shopping and it soon got dark.

You got off the phone with your mom after telling her that you were leaving the mall and on your way home. Traffic was heavy at this time of the evening with most people knocking off.

You were crossing a traffic intersection when an explosion went off ahead of you, launching your car into the air. Your car landed on its roof on top of another car and you blacked out.

When you came to, your vision was in and out of focus and you could smell something like gas. You knew you had to get out. You tried moving your legs but they were stuck. The dashboard was caved in and you were trapped.

You started to panic and screamed for help. You tried to free your legs but failed. You paused when you heard a sound like something flying. "Maybe it's Superman," you thought. Something landed next to your car, it looked like a metal body, "that doesn't look like Superman". "Help...please," you cried out hoping that whoever or whatever that was would have mercy on you.

You knew it was dangerous to be upside down for too long and your head was starting to hurt. You thought of Junior. You were the only parent he had left, you couldn't leave him, not like this. You closed your eyes and prayed that you would see your son again.

Suddenly you heard a loud noise. Opening your eyes you saw metal hands pushing the dashboard forward and you felt your legs get loose. You fumbled to pull off your seat belt but the metal hands beat you to it and ripped it off. You were then gently pulled out of the car.

Being right side up, the blood in your head rushed down and you became even more dizzy. You felt yourself being carried and then placed on the concrete floor.

Your vision cleared for a second and you laid eyes on your saviour. "Victor?" you said weakly. It couldn't be, you must have hit your head pretty hard. But it was him, yet his face was different, like half a robot. You couldn't understand what you saw. You wanted to say more, but your body betrayed you and you passed out, but not before calling his name one more time.

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