You quickly left, not answering him. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes and a heaviness in your chest. Focusing on the ground so no one would see you in this state you didn't notice a familiar voice call your name.
"Y/N" You turned around and saw the caring face of Josh. You didn't want to have a conversation with him right now but you sucked it up.
"Josh?" You look up at his face
"What the fuck happened back there? Was Jake an ass to you? "
"Nothing happened Josh." You answered trying to hide how upset you were.
"I heard it y/n, something happened." He looked disappointed.
"Look Josh I can't talk right now I am going to be late to class" you hurried away not letting him answer you . You finally make your way to the psychology building. As you step into the lobby you finally feel like you are able to breathe again.

Jake POV
"Dude what the FUCK was that?!"  Great, you thought to yourself, now you have Josh at your throat. You look up from your laptop.
"Josh, this is the library you are supposed to be quiet" you say with a hiss trying to get him to get off the topic.
"Jake don't fuck with me right now!" Josh whispers, trying to not make it obvious that things are get heated.
"Whatever happened to good morning Jake? What are you working on Jake?" You quipped. You grabbed your headphones and put them on trying to tune out Josh and what life lesson he was trying to teach you. Honestly you couldn't care less. But Josh was not having it. He ripped your headphones off your head causing people to stare at you two.
"Jake quit being such a fucking douchebag and talk to me. God I miss when you were a fucking freshman and had a heart!" Josh's face was getting redder by the second.
"i HAD a fucking heart. you more than anyone should understand that!" You felt your fist tightening up. You packed all your things and headed towards the door. You could hear Josh following behind you
" You know what Jake you hide behind this act that you are all tough but you are just a pussy . Seriously, you left before she even woke up. She panicked this morning and you decided to be a dick to her." You turned back around to face him. "She doesn't deserve anything Josh get that through your fucking head, You don't understand; You won't ever understand.Leave me the fuck alone!" You huff and storm away to your car. Once you get to your car you open instagram and look at your notifications.
One new follow request: Y/N444. You sighed and hit approve. You looked  through her profile. Through pictures of her at the beach and her travels. She looked so happy; you started to feel bad that you had made her so upset. You found yourself staring at her most recent post. She was wearing the dress that you had to help her out of . She was so beautiful. But you couldn't let anybody know you think of her like that. You can't be tied down. Ever since the end of freshman year, you had sworn off relationships - you refused to ever feel that kind of hurt again. It had taken you months to recover, and you had sworn that you wouldn't be forced back down into that mind space. Without thinking, you double-tapped the photo.

You were sat in class, listening as the lecturer droned on and on, when suddenly, your phone lit up. Jaketkiszka liked your photo. Your heart skipped a beat for a moment, before you collected yourself. You shouldn't be feeling like this about him - not after the way he had just treated you. You had done your best to make up for last night, apologizing , but instead, you had been berated. Yet still, seeing that he had liked your photo somehow managed to force a smile onto your face. You clicked onto the notification, taking your time to go through his profile. It was exactly what you were expecting - pictures of him with friends, at home, out at a restaurant. You decided to keep snooping, finding yourself going through his tagged photos. As you scrolled, your fingers froze. Clicking onto the image, a breath hitched in your throat - a picture of him, in black and white, holding an acoustic guitar.
You couldn't help but to just stare, zooming in on the way that his fingers wrapped around the neck of the guitar, so intricate, yet so decisive. You were forced out of your headspace as your phone dinged once again - a message from Jayden. Another party tonight. At the same house. You considered it for a moment - you shouldn't want to see him again, you shouldn't be feeling like you absolutely had to go, but you did. You texted her back quickly, agreeing, and promising not to lose her dress this time. The day flew by, as you thought about the party - doing your best to force the last night out of your head, but you just couldn't. You couldn't forget his eyes as they pierced through your skin, staring at you like he hated you.
Arriving back at the dorm, you expressed your excitement to Jayden, ignoring her teasing. You usually wouldn't be so excited for a party - it was just a group of people, but you knew that Jake would be there. You knew that you'd get another chance to fix things. On the other hand, you couldn't help but wonder if he would speak to you that way again. Jayden helped you get ready . She curled your long blonde hair and did your makeup. You must admit you were not good at this kind of stuff but you wanted Jake to look at you. Once you were done you looked in the mirror. "If Jake won't fuck you , I will" Jayden joked while tying her white airforces. You were ready to have all the attention on you. Jake would be dumb to not look at you tonight. Just you were about to leave you got a instagram message from Josh:
PrezJosh: Are you coming tonight? Jayden told me that she was going and I wanted to make sure you are too!
Y/N444: Of course I am coming Josh I can't miss it !
PrezJosh: sick see you there!

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