I decided to go downstairs just to see if the voice was actually telling the truth. I could hear the chatter as I approached the room "you should invite Loki down for dinner" ah so he definitely didn't call me "that greedy bitch already has enough he doesn't need to be eating my food aswell"

"You're a billionaire it'll barley scratch the surface" "Bruce I don't give a shit he's not getting dinner" "so you're just gonna let him starve" "maybe it'll do him some good, an entitled prince like him deserves to starve" I closed my eyes and left heading back up to the room.

Stark is right. I do deserve the starve, I don't know why I would even think about going down there in the first place.

I started scratching my arm as memorys came to my head, overwhelming, horrible memorys. Yet memorys of stuff a monster like me deserved to have happened too.

This isn't me. I'm not this insecure baby. Im narastistic and witty yet I haven't really grown up and it's so annoying. I stared at my arm that was now bleeding. My thoughts stopped.

Fuck am I really going down this rabbit hole again...

1 and a half weeks later:

I was shaking, shivering. My hair was a lot more frizzy. I've left my room a few times during the last week but not at all for the last 3 days.

I heard the door creek open and I quickly panicked. I rolled down my sleeves and and combed down my hair with my hands. Bucky walked in.

He sat on the ground in front of me. I was sitting on my hunkers at this point "you look rough" we had lovely matching bags under our eyes. "Says the walking rat"

He smiled sadly "what have you been doing in here" he looked around the somehow still clean room. Untouched by any hand. Certainly didn't represent my current minds state.

"Not much really" "then why don't you come down stairs and maybe socialise a bit" "hmm socialising with my former enemys...? Nah I'm good" "they where my former enemys aswell" I furrowed my eyebrows and he pulled me up off the ground "Christ your light"

We walked downstairs and into the main living quarters. I used my magic to make me look half respectable at least. The Avengers minus Clint and Nat where lounging on the couch.

As if they smelt us or something both our respected blonde oafs turned around to look at us. Banner followed their eye line whilst Stark just rolled his eyes. Great, this is just great.

Bucky had a sort of firm grip on my arm but not too hard. He dragged me over to the kitchen ignoring the audience and sat me down. He started routing through the presses, crap crap crap how do I get out of this one.

He plonked a bowl of weird flat potatoes in-front of me. Don't deserve. Don't deserve. Don't fucking deserve it. He then sat on the counter beside me. Stark walked over and took a handful of the potatoes out of my bowl.

Bucky or Barnes followed in suit also popping some in his mouth. I looked at the 3 avengers sitting on the couch. I noticed that Bruce was looking at me.

I stood up. This was a mistake. I'm having a doctor and a person with trauma looking me up and down like a freak.

I tried to walk but Barnes grabbed my arm "Where are you going" "Let me go Barnes" I hissed quietly at him. He looked towards the couch "is it because Bruce is looking at you?" I furrowed my eyebrows "No it's not I've just had enough. They clearly don't want me down here"

Mistake. He pulled me over to the couch. I glared at him the entire time. I tried to push his hand off me but he was solid.

I groaned frustratingly. I noticed Bruce was still staring at me whilst Thor and Steve just looked at the two of us in confusion.

"Let me go to my room Barnes I'm not going to ask you again" "Loki you should stay down here" I snapped my head around to Thor "Your locking yourself in your room. It's almost like you're staying in a cell that you carved for yourself"

"It's not like you even came up to try and get me out. Barnes did it yet not you. You care so much, don't you" I spoke the last line sarcasticly

"Loki you would have just told me to go away anyway" "I guess you won't know" "I'm asking you now to sit with us and I don't care if Rogers and Banner don't allow it"

I rubbed my arm feeling the bumps threw my shirt. "I'm good" I finally got out of Barnes grip "and don't you ever touch me again sweetheart ok?" Bruce finally spoke.

"Your looking really thin Loki. Like even thinner then you where when you got here" I froze solid "That's because the mad bastard hasn't had anything to eat in at least 1 and a half weeks" I glared at Barnes with panic behind my eyes "I don't need to anyway I'm a God remember"

"Loki let us, let Banner take care of you. You've been here almost 2 weeks and haven't tried to kill us so I want us to start over, join our side" I looked at Rogers eyes furrow "fine"

And hey presto. I'm sorry if it felt blodgy there was zero thought process to this. Also I tried to leave this open to the readers interpretation. Like we know he was hurt but who hurt him and what was he doing when James walked in, etc, etc.

one shots. marvel/ good omens/ the riddler/ Gotham seriesWhere stories live. Discover now