Chapter 5

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It was the testing day, they were in Sakhir. Quite an important day, the first time she made her public apperance with the Mercedes suit on. She wasn't terrified about performing well but the interview part of the day was making her nervous. She never liked it anyway, they were trying to dive into her personal life most of the time.

At least they were confident about their cars, it was quick and they hoped it was going to be stable during the long-run drives.

She was chatting with other drivers, mostşy the ones she wasn't close enough to chat except the work. She met with Zhou and Yuki, they looked like nice people. Even she was taller than Yuki, which was a very rare condition for her.

Gasly intrupted them, she knew he was close with Yuki. How? Thanks to TikTok

"Whaaaat's up Reeves?" his french accent slipping through.

"Comme ci comme ça," she took French course during her highschool years. "What about you? Will your car be able to finish a race?"

Alpine's cars were generally average (side-eye), they had the skill to get a podium or DNF, losing it totally. Both Pierre and Esteban were not very pleased with the team, probably they were going to look for a different team. One that they are not teammates.

"We will see, I am hoping I will win some podiums or maybe a race if Esteban doesn't try to kill me." They knew that they weren't going to be best friends. Never again, and it was always suprising to her that they used to be close when they were karting. She didn't know what happened but everythinh changed after that years for sure.

She smiled to him, distancing herself to give them some private space to talk. As she was walking back to garage, some people were approaching her to take photos or signs. She wouldn't mind fans usually, deep-down she was hoping that she could inspire some little girls to give motorsports a shot. This sport needed to be feminised and also coloured because those white middle age men were making this place a living hell for women.

Then, Mark Weber approached her. When she was a little fan, he was her crush and now he was an interviewer. They didn't get to race together but still seeing him around the paddock made her heart melt.

"Hello Alma, how are you feeling about the car?" his voice was soft and his eyes were smiling. Sometimes she felt that he was loving interviewing than being a driver. Probably because his time was ran across with the Golden Boy, Seb. He was a furious back then, until Ferrari drained him.

"It looks cool, we did some short-runs but today will be the actual first day to try and test all of it. It might be too early to talk but I think we will be fine."

"Beside the car, how are you feeling? Been a while since the last time I saw you driving, I should admit that I missed seeing you here and there."

Would it be too much if she would blush? Mark Weber missed her? She was fangirling right now.

She didn't know what to say for a while so she snorted first, not very charming of her. "I also missed being here and there. I feel at home. Manifesting myself solid wins and podiums for this year. Maybe a championship." She came back for what she couldn't get in 2019.

"I am manifesting for you too. See you, be safe and good luck for the testing." She thanked him and walked away, kicking air and barking. Okay, okay she was just happy.


When she finally achieved to go the garage, she saw Toto. Her session was afternoon and they were studying Lewis' data which was giving hope to team.

Toto looked up from the data analysis as Alma entered the garage, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Hello there," he greeted her, his Austrian accent coming through softly.

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