They Hear You Swear

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Tony and Pepper:

You were once again helping your dad fix his suit when something sparked at you, causing you to burn yourself.

Y/n: "You twat." You said, as you stepped back.

Tony: "Whoa, don't let your mother hear that language." Your dad said.

Y/n: "Keep your mouth shut around me and I wouldn't hear that sort of language." You said.

Tony: "Touche." Your dad said, as you both went back to working.

Steve and Bucky:

You had just finished school and you were now running home because the school bullies were chasing after you. When you made in, you ran inside, ignoring the looks from your dads and straight upstairs to your room. When you slammed your door shut, you didn't notice that your dads had followed you and opened the door behind you, before seeing you punch the wall.

Y/n: "Fuck school. Fuck learning. Fuck everything." You said.

Steve: "Watch your mouth young lady." Your dad said, making you jump.

Y/n: "Sorry." You said, as you walked over to him, grabbed his hand and put your phone in it.

Bucky: "What's wrong?" Your paps asked.

Y/n: "I'm sick of getting bullied because I have 2 dads and that people don't believe me." You said.

Steve: "We'll have a word with the school tomorrow." Your dad said.

Bucky: "It also explained the hole in your wall." Your paps said, pointing to the hole in your wall. "You're paying for that to get fixed." Your paps said, making you laugh.

Y/n: "Okay." You said.

Clint and Laura:

You were playing outside with your brothers and your sister. You and your sister didn't really get along. You knew that she didn't like you but you didn't know why.

So, while you were playing football, you accidentally pushed your sister over trying to get the ball and she lost it.

Lila: "What the hell was that for?" Your sister asked, still on the floor.

Y/n: "I was trying to get the ball. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean to push you on the floor." You said, trying to help her up. She just pushed your hand away and got up herself.

Lila: "I don't need help from a liar." Your sister said, as she pushed you.

Y/n: "You little bitch." You said. "What is your problem with me?" You asked.

By the end of what you said, your mum and dad were next to you guys.

Lila: "My problem with you is that you don't belong in this family. You're not even born into this family. You have powers and we don't. Why do you think you're more important than us?!" Your sister shouted.

Laura: "LILA!" Your mum shouted. "That was uncalled for." Your mum said. "Go to your room, now." Your mum said, pointing to the house.

Before Lila could go inside, you spoke.

Y/n: "You're right. I wasn't born into this family and I do have powers. I'm not more important than you, I'm just different and that's what you don't like. I don't want you to hate me, I want you to understand that I go through so much in one day that it's hard for me to even think straight. I'm sorry that you feel different and I know I can't change that, only you can." You said, as you went back to play with your brothers, while your sister went to her room to think.

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