Shocking News

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Hannah's POV

I sat down on the floor as our band director, Mr. Suit, told us too. He said he has something to talk to us about. I'm hoping it isn't about last Friday on our band trip, we were all kinds of crazy, but we're band kids, so it's what do.

"Story time!" One of the band members said

I laughed.

"Okay guys, so this isn't going to be a happy time, some of you guys might cry, and some of you might celebrate" Mr. Suit said

"We're doing a roaring twenties theme for our show?" A kid said

We all laughed

"No no. Well I.... I got a position at a different school. At a school in San Fransisco. I just want to tell you guys, I was not looking for a position because I think you guys are awesome, but the principal called me telling me that I'm the only person in the region qualified for the position, and my wife got a job there, so it will be good for me and my family. I love you guys, I think you're the greatest but it's time for me to be closer to my family" he said

I looked around to see tears forming in everyone's eyes, as well as mine. I couldn't believe this, 7 long years with my band teacher and he's leaving when I'm about to start my senior year? I can't believe it. No one can ever replace him, he's so funny and stupid, all at the same time. He's been like a grandpa to me and everyone else.

"I'm also leaving as well... I got a choir and guard director position at the same school" Mrs. Eavs said.

Not my color guard/ choir teacher too? Why is this happening?

"I wasn't looking for a position either, but they offered it to me as well" She said

"We will get you guys the best teacher that we can, we're hoping you guys will get Mr. Jackson, he's a teacher at Santa Barbra schools and he's very qualified for this position, as well a choir teacher, but guard girls, we'll have to find you a guard teacher or Hannah will have to direct you guys for the time being." Mr. Suit said

The thought of a new band director makes me sick. There's no one as awesome as Mrs. Suit and Mrs. Eavs. I sat there crying as well as everyone else. I dreaded next year of band.

[Hey guys, I know this is boring but please keep going it will get better, just as every story does. This is just kind of a prologue. But please leave reviews and comments ☺️]

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