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The racing green Riley 9 pulled into the turning for the house, wheels lightly skidding as it took the corner with the handbrake, and speeded up the gravel drive, not yet ready to halt its journey.

The car stopped with the usual satisfying scrunch of loose stone under the wheels and Teddy jumped out, refreshed yet thirsty after the invigorating journey. He removed his hat, goggles and scarf and took a deep breath of the fresh, still, morning country air, dew still damp on the lawn with a thin layer of mist drifting over the grass tops, as the sun and residents, only just stirring, would shine in their summer clothes later in the day.

A small bird sang and flew up from a clump of bushes, happy with its task, as two black, large birds flew high overhead, crowing a meeting to the morning.

Teddy noticed a spot on one of his shoes, rubbed it with the heel of the other, then on the back of his trouser leg, satisfied, turned and grabbed his bag from the passenger seat of his car, the leather handles comfortably worn, but the canvas still looking as strong as ever, and strode to the front door.

He turned the large black knob but the door was locked, unsurprising, as he wasn't expected until tomorrow, so rapped the dolphin shaped knocker rather than use the bell.

He didn't have to wait long until he saw the silhouetted form of Mrs Magtree, the house maid, busily shuffling down the corridor towards him, tying up her morning coat and adjusting her hair to greet the early guest.

"Well, bless me. Master Teddy. I thought I heard a vehicle on the drive." She exclaimed opening the door, letting the morning coolness wrap itself around her ankles.

"Morning Maggie, how are you my dear." He said leaning forward to kiss her on the cheek.

"Ooh, very well thank you, mustn't grumble." she smiled "Come in, come in, I've got the kettle on for everyone else." Maggie Magtree stood back from the door to allow Master Teddy entry and led the way back up the corridor with a little shiver and round the corner to the kitchen.

On the side, by the breakfast bar, two trays sat ready with cups, saucers, spoons and plates just waiting to be filled with tea and toast, an appertiser before the main event to be delivered forthwith.

The night cold of the kitchen was already being driven away by the awakening Aga and Maggie had resumed her tea making duties and called out "Well, you might as well make yourself busy, Master Teddy, if you would. Be so kind and butter that toast for me would you, me dear." Signalling to the butter dish.

Teddy obliged and cut off the crusts, as he knew the family well, and placed the right amount on each tray.

"Good. That's grand." Mrs Magtree said as she poured out the cups of tea "You take young Bunty's and I'll take the Masters and Mrs. Go on then. Be quick. Before it gets cold." She said picking up the appropriate tray and heading off.

Teddy followed behind, up the stairs and around the bend on the small landing, until they separated, their own ways, to either end of the corridor. He walked along the old creaky floorboards covered with luxuriant red and gold runners towards his Bunty's bedroom and knocked on the door, slowly turned the handle with his spare hand and entered.

In the dim morning light, dampened by the heavy tapestry curtains that hung in the tall windows, he could see his fiancé to be lying still asleep in the middle of the old four poster bed.

Teddy walked over to the bedside and lay the tray on the large oak table by the bedside and stared down at the recumbent body, the outline not hidden by the covers or darkness. He leant slightly over and softly trailed the back of his hand along her sleeping form, like he had done before, to the others, and tenderly moved her hair away from her forehead, exposing the full beauty of her face.

"I have NO PATIENCE for dinosaurs"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن