Chapter 37| Coming closer

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Alright guys as you know the drill, If you all complete the target by Saturday an early update will be posted. By target I mean both Votes and Comments. If the target is not full filled then the next update will come as usually by next Friday.

So Everyone please vote and comments!

Target: 120+ votes and 100+ comments!


Soon enough Manish stopped arguing as he laid down on the bed and sleep took over. He had really been tired and Khushi could see it very clearly. She smiled as she caressed his hair for few mins before she climbed on the other side of the bed. She sat down next to him with her back to the head rest as she scrolled through her phone for an hour or so.

After some time she looked at the time to see it be 2 in the afternoon. She sighed as she kept her phone aside and looked towards Manish. Manish was in deep sleep looking cuter then ever as he slept. She saw that some times his hand would go towards his shirt with a irritated frown on his face before he would turn and again go into deep slumber.

A blush crept Khushi's face as she now knew the reason behind his actions. With that another thought of his bare upper body would also come in her mind.  She scolded herself for such devilish thoughts as she thought of what to do next. To be very honest she was bored.

She decided to continue reading her novel. She hadn't been able to touch it since the day the fight took place back at home. Khushi leaned back against the back head of the bed while she started to resume reading the novel.

Khushi didn't even release when the time went by. She became so engrossed in the story that she was even able to imagine herself and Manish in some places. As the story progressed, she read how the Girl had a passion for writing but she had kept it hidden from her family as she worked as a fashion designer at a company. Her family wanted for her to settled down so they had been searching for a groom.

Khushi read how the girl met many proposals for the marriage but due to one reason or another they would reject her. Khushi found herself feeling the dull emotions of the girl who had now lost hope and even interest in marriage until that one proposal.

Khushi read about how the girl came home from work to see her house fulled with guest. It seemed she had gained a surprised proposal. A proposal that change her life. Khushi found her self giggling and feeling butterflies just by reading the interactions between the leads. Their small subtle flirts. It was like Khushi was able to live through the girls emotions.

After few hours of  reading, Khushi was already read multiple chapters into the book, almost near half the book was done. Khushi had read all through the wedding functions. Khushi found her cheeks hurting from smiling at the cute interactions of the leads through. From awkward hugs to comforting dances. She felt as if she was living as the character itself feeling all emotions.

As she flipped to the next page totally engrossed in the novel, She felt Manish move in his sleep. As he turned in his sleep from laying on his back to laying on his stomach while his right arm swang around her waist making her freeze as she felt him snuggling into the side of her stomach thinking it to be a pillow.

Khushi who had by now frozen in her spot and was looking at Manish, Soon felt his movement halt as he again drifted into slumber. After few seconds and lowered her hand to his arms that was wrapped around her waist. She knew she couldn't possibly lift it off of her. He was obviously more stronger then her in terms of physics. After few mins of admiring him, her eye drifted on his hair. It was as if the soft black hair was calling to her. Her free hand moved from his arms towards his head as she started to caress his hair running her fingers through his soft hair in a soothing motion.

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