Wish/Real Boy

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The is a poem (sort of) that I wrote one night after struggling with the difficult feelings that come with being a transgender male and not feeling like myself or being taken seriously. Most of my family and friends are supportive but others aren't. I haven't been able to medically transition at all, I'm in the stage where all I can do is wait, and the longer I'm not on testosterone and the longer I feel trapped in my body the worse I feel about.

So I wrote this explaining what it feels like. 

Wish I liked being a kid

Wish I didn't feel like the odd one out.

Wish I wasn't pushed to be girly all the time.

Wish someone listened back then when I tried to explain.

Wish I didn't have to wait fourteen years just to say what's up.

Wish I wasn't born in the wrong body.

Wish periods weren't a thing.

Wish these boobs weren't here.

Wish binders actually made me flat.

Wish I could just walk down the street and be seen as a guy.

Wish I wouldn't have to jump through hoops to be myself.

Wish these waiting lists weren't endless.

Wish this didn't feel like a punishment.

Wish it wouldn't feel like I'm stuck in a cage.

Wish I could just start HRT already.

Wish the testosterone came naturally.

Wish people wouldn't make me prove who I am.

Wish they wouldn't guilt trip me about "God's plan."

Wish I felt welcome at church and camp, like everyone else.

Wish people wouldn't call me the wrong name out of spite.

Wish just existing didn't make me a target.

Wish I could just be one of the guys.

Wish they actually saw me as a real dude, not just because they have to.

Wish hanging out with them at rehearsals didn't feel forced.

Wish I could go on sleepovers like the other guys.

Wish I didn't have to "come out" just to be part of the group.

Wish I was a real boy. 

Edited 22/04, removed the last paragraph

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