"You're going to check all my homework?" Harry asked, his mouth dropping open.

"Yes, and I expect better than what I usually see from your essays on the first day of school," Snape said coolly.

"That's not my fault, I'm never allowed to use my -" Harry paused and looked away.

"To use your what?" Snape gave the teen a mild glare. "Potter," He said warningly.

Harry gave a resigned sigh. "I'm not allowed to use my books during the summers," He mumbled.

"Why not?" Snape asked although he had a fair idea already. Potter muttered something and he stared at the boy. "Try again, I could not understand that."

"My relatives don't like anything to do with magic. They lock my school items away as soon as I am in their house." Harry admitted. "They, uh, don't like magic at all."

"I see," Snape said calmly. "Well, that certainly explains your sub-par essays."

Harry narrowed his eyes.

"Mr. Potter, you mentioned a few things about your relatives in the Headmaster's office. Do you remember?"

Harry thought for a minute and paled slightly. He had mentioned some of the Dursley's mistreatment and in front of Snape! "Um, no I don't." He lied nervously.

Snape gave him a stern look. "Do not lie to me, Potter. I know what I heard."

Embarrassment gave way to temper. "Fine, you know the Dursley's hate me. You know they locked me up and starved me. I bet you can't wait to tell your Slytherins!" Harry spat out, pushing his chair back and standing up. He wanted to escape.

"Sit down, Potter!" Snape snapped. He waited until the boy reluctantly sat down before speaking again. "First, do not shout at me. Second, I will not tell anyone about your relative's treatment of you."

"You won't?" Harry asked in a small voice.

"No," Snape said. "I would, however, like for you to tell me more about it. The diagnostic I asked Poppy to run showed -"

"You asked her to do what?" Harry asked in a panic.

Snape took a breath to keep his temper. He understood that Potter would want to deny the abuse or act like it didn't matter but he needed to know. "The diagnostic showed all the injuries you have sustained since you were left on their doorstep."

Harry shut his eyes, feeling his face redden from embarrassment.

"Potter," Snape said quietly. "It is not your fault how your despicable relatives treated you. I know you would rather pretend it never happened but you must talk about it. Especially so you won't have to return there again."

"Isn't Dumbledore going to make me go back?" Harry asked bitterly. Not that he would.

"Professor Dumbledore," Snape corrected. "While he may try to reconstruct the wards, that doesn't mean anything. If that house is as abusive as you say and as the diagnostic shows, you will not go back."

Harry stared at him incredulously. "Uh, no offense Professor but why do you care? I would have thought you would like the fact that my relatives hate me."

Snape stiffened. "I do not condone child abuse, Potter." He snapped.

Harry snorted. "Yeah right, what do you call the way you have treated me the past five years?" Realizing what he said, he froze. He looked at his professor warily.

Snape was about to snap at the impertinent child when he saw the quick flash of fear in the boy's eyes. "Let me rephrase then. I do not condone starving, hitting, burning, locking up, or choking a child. There, is that better?" he asked snidely.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 28 ⏰

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