CHAPTER II (contd.)

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Taking a few good seconds as he carefully watched all of us individually, he slowly seated himself on the other side of the table. I am unsure but his stare did quite linger into my direction. The thing that I am most sure of is to eat these foods in front of us.

We had great food, savory, sweet and spicy of which gave me a clue that we are either feasting on Romanian and Turkish delicacies. It was only father and I who had a taste of the fine wine. The sound of the knife cutting through turkey meat was the only distraction from my thoughts. I glanced towards Luciana, signaling her to tone her movements down.

"If it isn't rude for me to ask, Whatever brought you four towards my home?" Count Dracula asked. Raising with him a chalice, waiting for any of us to answer.

"We are to travel towards the farms by the borders until the carriage has to ask us to walk our way further" Father replied, as soon as he finished on his food. The Count's expression then turned into an amused one, nodding his head whilst he dabbed the corners of his lips with a handkerchief.

"And I have prepared a grand meal tonight," the Count's voice, like aged wine, swirled in the candlelit hall. "If all of this would be enough for all of you, then what brought you here would be mere coincidence." He chuckles, He resumes sipping from his chalice, eyes never leaving our faces.

"Or maybe a blue flame," Luciana beamed, her gaze unwavering as she looked at the Count. Her knife sliced through turkey meat, the blade glinting in the firelight.

"Pardon?" The Count blinked, his raised eyebrows revealing curiosity.

"A blue flame led us here," Luciana added, her words cutting through the air like a secret revealed.
The Count's expression shifted, a  neutral one now. He had caught her answer, deciphered the riddle of our arrival.

"Ah," he mused, leaning back in his chair. "These blue flames appear only on the fourth of May. They mark places where buried treasures lie... Having you here now is fortunate." His shrug was lighthearted, as if fate had played its hand. We exchanged smiles, our forks dancing on the fine ware as we continued eating.
"The twilight towards of the fourth of May," he continued, his gaze distant, "is St. George's Eve. Evil forces rush desperately, gathering a year's worth of power before dawn." His sigh held centuries—the weight of long lived years. "And I hope you are enjoying yourselves," he said, scrunching his nose slightly. "Do tell." His tone shifted, daring us to share whatever is on our minds.

"If it wouldn't be too intrusive," Father spoke, setting his cutlery aside, "if you allow us, Count, may we stay here for the night?"

The Count leaned in, flashing a  toothful smile shaped as a flawless crescent moon. Thunder crashed outside, rattling the window panes. "I don't see why not," he replied. "It would be best if you could stay here longer."

I remained quiet, my appetite sated. No more food passed my lips.

"I was hoping that you'd eat more," the Count said to me, his smile unwavering. His blackest eyes never left my direction. "Thank you but I am already full, Count," I replied, reaching for my chalice. The last sip of wine tasted rich..

"Then I suppose–" the Count said, placing his drink on the table, "–that I will be showing you to your rooms now."

Luciana protested, her plate still half-full. She glared at the direction of the count as she rose from her seat. Following everyone, I slowly rose from my seat as the count climbed his way up the grand staircase. The rest followed behind me too.

The Count led us towards the north wing, where the male quarters are located. Now I wonder where his private chambers are. Father went into his room. Then to the opposite wing are the women's quarters. At first thought, I assumed that all of us women would be staying in the same room but our host has spoken that we are all to be separated as if it were an order.

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