☂ Chapter 3 ☂

Start from the beginning

After a minute of silence they walked out of Five's room. "So, what's the actual plan?" Lucia broke the awkward silence.

"We are going back in that damn hospital, which is why I needed Klaus to wear something more professional"

"Whatever, as long as I get paid."

"When the job is done Klaus."

"Okay but just do we're clear on the finer details, I just gotta go in this place and just pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?"

"Yeah. Something  like that."

"What's our cover story?"

"Yeah, what is it?" Lucia says invested with a grin and Five looks at the two confused.

"What? What are you guys talking about?"

"I mean, was I really young when I had you? Like, 16? Like young and..." Klaus then goes into an emotional dramatic mode causing Lucia to chuckle. "- terribly misguided?"

"Sure." Five was unfazed by this.

"Your mother, that slut! Whoever she was. We met at..." Klaus stopped to think for a second, "the disco~" He chuckles, causing Five to feel concern and Lucia to hold in her laugh. "Okay? Remember that." He snaps his fingers and glides side to side before going dramatic again, "Oh, my god, the sex was amazing."

"What a disturbing glimpse in that thing you call a brain." Five said annoyed, making Lucia crackle.

"Don't make me put you in time-out." Klaus responds in a sarcastic serious tone as they all continue to walk.

All three were now in the hospital, in an office, either sitting or standing in front of a doctor that Five talked to before.

"Like I said to you son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help."

"Yeah, yeah, that whole HIPAA shit, NOW TELL US WHO'S IT BELONG TO!" Lucia slams her hands on the desk.

"Young lady, I already told you guys-" Five then cuts the doctor off and speaks in a stern tone as he glares at him, "Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name."

"Well, that's not my problem. Sorry. Now, there's really nothing more I can do, so-"

"And what about my consent?" Klaus speaks up.

"Excuse me?"

"Who gave you permission to lay your hands on my son and his future fiance?" Klaus asks in a dramatic tone as he points at Five and Lucia. They all look at Klaus confused as heck by what he's talking about and they ask, "What?"

"You heard me."

"I didn't touch them."

"Oh, really? Well then how did they get that swollen lip, then?"

"They don't have a swollen-" Klaus gets up from his seat and punches Five making him grunt and then turns to Lucia whispering sorry before he did the same to her. "Agh, Fuck, not again!" Lucia says grunting.

Klaus then turns back to the doctor as he inhales sharply. "I want it. Name, please. Now.~"

The doctor then points a finger at him slightly scared, "Your crazy"

Klaus just chuckles and says, "You have no idea." He then picks up a globe that was on the doctor's desk, ""peace on earth" That's so sweet." He then smashes it against his skull and groans in pain as the rest of them jump. 'Is he even okay?!' Lucia and Five thought to themselves.

Lucia// Five Hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now