04: Complications

Start from the beginning

"They can't refuse to serve you just because you're a vampire," you say, and his shoulders jump slightly when he hears you use the term. "That's discrimination, and I'm pretty sure it's illegal. You could file a complaint against that establishment."

He furiously shakes his head. "N-No. I'm not trying to create any problems for anyone. It's fine. I know people can't help but be afraid. If I were in their position, I probably would be too. But... is it okay for me to be here? If you feel uncomfortable, I can leave right away."

"Of course not," you frown. "I would never make you leave."

"It's just that I noticed you seemed a bit upset when I walked in..."

You let out a sigh. "That's just because I was looking forward to going home, and you walked in right before closing hour. But now that I understand your circumstances, it makes sense. I'm not going to hold anything against you, so just try to relax, and let me know what you want me to make for you."

His expression brightens, and if that's all it takes to elicit a positive reaction out of him, you're starting to gain some valuable insight as to how vampires are treated around here.

"I just want a medium black coffee," he says.

A medium black coffee. Such a simple order, and to think that he had to jump through hoops to be able to get it.

You no longer hold any prejudice against vampires. They're just people, like everyone else. It's not like they chose to have to drink blood in order to survive. It's simply the way they were born, and there's nothing they can do to change it.

Besides, it's all thanks to vampires that you're able to keep up with Johnny's payments. Vampires are quite literally saving your life.

"There you go," you say, handing him the coffee. It was a breeze to make, and it hardly took any time either. It looks like you'll be out of here a lot faster than you thought.

The man stares at you for a few moments, but he isn't looking into your eyes. You don't realize what he's so fixated on until his lips finally curve into a smile.

"Um, thank you," he says. "I really appreciate it... [Name]."

Ah. He must have been looking at your name tag. You smile back at him, then lean over the counter slightly.

"It was my pleasure. And if you don't mind me asking, you are...?"

"Huh? Oh," he blinks. "E-Elliot. My name is Elliot."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Elliot. And don't worry. From now on, you can come to this store whenever you need some coffee. No one here will discriminate against you, and if I happen to be working a shift when you come in, maybe I can even hook you up with some free samples," you wink.

Elliot's smile grows even wider, and he frantically nods his head, unable to contain his excitement.

"Thank you!" he splutters. "Thank you so much!"

You can't help but chuckle. How adorable. It upsets you that he's being shunned, but not all humans are assholes, just like how not all vampires are bad. Hopefully he'll meet some nice people soon, and in the meantime, you'll happily serve him coffee whenever he wants.

Now, then. It's time to finish cleaning up and finally go home.


You're standing in front of an unfamiliar house, and for various reasons, you feel apprehensive.

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