AU/catnap you monster..

574 14 11


You were on your shift, you were on children duty when you heard a two little voices. They were children? Savannah was the girl's name and hunter was her brother's name. They didn't really like talking to the other children because they were so tied up with the "toys" and they didn't like talking to staff like that either. Little did they know that YOU were actually a child in play co. And that you loved the toys... Well at least two..

Y/n: what's the problem?

Hunter was holding his little sister hand.

Hunter: guess what!


Savannah: we're getting adopted!

Savannah And hunter sound so optimistic, and happy. It breaks you heart..

Y/n:... that's..

Savannah/hunter: good!?

Your voice turns into a more serious tone.

Y/n: bad..

They both look at you like you just said a forbidden word.

Savannah: bad?

Hunter: what do you mean by bad?

You take a deep sigh and get ready to tell them the news, and you hope to help them find a way to help themselves.

Y/n: everything they tell you is a lie.. the toys, the happiness, the dreams..and the "families".

Hunter: wha-

Before he can ask a whole lot of questions you cut him off.

Y/n:let me explain..the toys are children and adults... like us..

Savannah: like us?

Y/n:yes, everytime they take a child, they take them to a lab and experiment on them. Like huggy do you guys remember huggy wuggy?

Both: yeah.

Y/n: he was a child, but he was told like lies, and he believed them.. on the other hand, with adults if you find something out that you aren't supposed to you will be turn into a toy...

Hunter:wow...then why aren't you a toy?

Y/n: because I'm smarte- *screams*(that's a spoiler for later)

Both: oh ok

Y/n: ok that's enough storytime it's time to go to bed.

You, bring them to the bedrooms and leave, you let catnap do his work and you lean against the wall. You kiss catnap's cheek, just then Dogday walked in so you did the same thing.

Dogday:hello, angels

He says as he hugs you and while he's huging you, catnap ulhugs the both of you.

Catnap/you:hi, sunshine

You feel so hot because they are both huging you, so you slip underneath their arms.

Çatnåp: why'd you move?

Y/n: I was just getting hot.

The next morning

When Dogday started waking up the children for the day, çatnåp came and told you that he needed to get a "check up" because a "child" riped his due by accident. So you just let him go. When he came back later he was acting different, he wasn't even... talking? Savannah and hunter came up to you again...

Hunter: there is something wrong with Çatnåp..

Y/n: I know he's been acting like this ever since he came back from his "check up"..

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