2: Liam Sick

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Prompt: Fluff, Liam's sick on the bus and the boys take care of him.

Set around early 2012

Liam's POV

We were currently on the first leg of our Up All Night tour, so we were on the tour bus.
Usually I love the bus; it's fun, cozy and quite cool to be honest. But when you're sick, it's a different story.

Today was just a driving day, which was good because it means no work. But it also means bumpy and swerving roads. The idea of not stopping whilst being on these roads makes my head hurt more and my gut churn painfully.

It was only around 9am, but I had already been awake for three hours and couldn't fall back asleep, whatever I did.

The pain in my head made me grimace involuntarily, and made the nauseous feeling grow. As my stomach bubbled sickeningly, I rolled around, grasping it tightly. That only made my head hurt more. It was a vicious cycle.

I took some deep breaths and relaxed my face as the pain dulled slightly, just enough for me to let my eyes droop and go to sleep.

I must have been quite successful in staying asleep, despite feeling as though I could pretty much die right here in my bunk, because I woke up to a certain Irish lad shaking me awake.

"Li? C'mon bud, you need to get up. You threw up in your bed." His tone was gentle and quiet.

"Wah?" I sat up dizzily, my head throbbing at a raging pace, and looked down at the covers. Oh. I suppose my sleep wasn't so successful.

"Right Liam, let's get you to the bathroom." I let him pull me up from my arms and help me towards the tiny bus toilet, I was practically leaning all my weight on him.

Niall's POV

I had tapped Louis awake and asked him if he could sort out the bunk which, once he saw liam draped over me, he happily agreed to.

Once I had Liam lent up against the small sink counter, I pulled his shirt off so he was left in his boxers. He had to get in the shower because he's covered in vomit, and normally he wouldn't give a fuck if he was naked in front of us, but I don't even think he's really processing what's going on right now and to avoid any complications, I'll just leave them on.

I didn't have a thermometer, but I could tell his fever was dangerously high just by the way he was sweating and the glass screen around the shower was steaming up without the warm water running yet.

"Ok Liam, I'ma turn the shower on now ok?" It worried me a bit when he didn't respond and just stared at the tiles ahead, emotionless expression. "Li? Can you hear me!?" He nodded slowly and I let out a breath of relief. I thought he was having some kind of seizure, I'm aware of that happening when someone's fever's too high.

" 'm feelin' sick, Ni-" I managed to catch him as he doubled over and vomited all on the shower floor. Gently lowering him down to his knees, I rubbed his bare back as round after round violently came up, and he was producing these God awful retching sounds.

I managed to finish showering him whilst he was still on the floor, just enough to get the sick off him and lower his temperature. I knew he'd hate me for helping him shower when he eventually realised what was going on, but he was physically incapable of holding himself up right now so I had to do it for him.

Once I had Liam dried and dressed, with help from Louis because he had barely any energy left whatsoever, we escorted him to the back area, where he flopped down onto the couch and curled into himself.

"Louis can you go get a bucket, some medicine and the thermometer please?"

"Course Ni, be back in a sec."

"Liam? Do you wanna watch a movie, or sleep?" I knew he was tired and definitely needed sleep, but Liam being his stubborn self, he chose the movie.

"Okay. I'll go get the other boys and we can all watch together, yeah?" All I got was a small nod and hum of agreement, so I quickly retrieved Harry and Zayn and informed them on the situation as Louis came back with all the stuff.

"Right Li, let's check your temp." I guided the instrument towards his mouth but he whined in protest and lifted his arm up instead.

"Makes me sick." He complained and I proceeded to slide it under his shirt. To be honest, I was a bit worried to see the numbers because he was so out of it and visibly shaking.

Beep beep. Beep beep.

The rapid beeping alone warned me of the high temperature Liam had, but I was not expecting it to be so high.

39.7 (103.46). "Lou? Can you please get some cool rags. He's way too high and there's no way we can get him to the shower." Louis complied and rushed of again, coming back minutes later with three wet cloths that me and Harry placed along his neck, forehead and now bare chest as Zayn set up Toy Story - Liam's favourite.

*Timeskip because I got distracted by the nice views of Norway*

After giving Liam some medicine, and possibly a small sleep pill, he fell back into a deep rest, only waking up once to be sick. Though I don't even think he processed what was happening and just let his body take over. When he once again fell asleep, it gave the rest of us the chonce to sleep. It was still only 11ish, way to early to be awake on an off day.
Yet here we are, all cramped in the back TV room, with Toy Story playing in the background.

The rest of the day followed along like that, and by dinner, Liam was feeling a lot better. We're all happy that it was only a 24 hour thing, as seeing your bandmate, best friend and brother so sick is sad.



Second story 👀

Hoped you liked it.
I feel like writers always hate their own writing.


When did you become a directioner?


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