Act 2: chapter 7

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Chapter 07 in act 2 of COD had a rather large amount of gore. This will summarize the events in the two parts for those who could not handle the scenes.

This summary, much like chapter 07, will be split into two parts.

07 part one

Part one starts with Emmit riding his bike to his mother's workplace, the Lake City preschool. On the way there, he thinks about how he has been abandoned by his mom when really she was just busy with work.

On his ride there, he is faced with violent thoughts.

The POV switches to Euan and Heather's point of view. Euan is helping around the classroom. Since this section is gore free, I will paste it here

"“Miss. Wallerson? Is there anything else you need help with?” Asked Euan as he helped clean up the classroom.

“Oh, Euan, sweetie! You can just call me Heather, please.” She smiled at him. “And yes actually. Will you please be a sweetheart and go check the cupboard over there for some paints? When the children get back from their break I want to have everything ready. We are going to make hand turkeys!”

Euan laughed and smiled as he walked over to the cupboard. “Of course, Miss- ah.. Heather! Sorry, it just feels so bizarre to call you anything but Miss. Wallerson or Miss. W.”

“Don't stress it, pumpkin! Call me whatever makes you comfortable. I just want you to know that you can call me Heather.”

Euan smiled as he looked through the cupboard, pulling out various colors. “So ah.. Hows Emmit?”

“Oh..” A slightly troubled look came over Heather's face. “He’s struggling. Doesn't like how busy I have been. Not to mention I haven't been able to afford his meds lately, so he is having more violent thoughts.”

“I'm sorry I brought it up, Heather- I didn't mean to-”

“Don't worry about it. I know you worry about him. You always cared for Emmit as if he was your own brother. It meant so much for me. I just feel terrible for the fact that he's so-” she sighed. “Different now. It pains me just to look at him. Oh gods.. I feel terrible saying that-” she let out a sad sigh and shook her head.

Euan sat by her and put his hand on her back. “I get it. That's why I couldn't stick around. It hurts to see the person he's become. Just know that we did- and are doing- our best to help him. You are a wonderful mother. It's not your fault he's like this.”

She wiped her tears and sniffled. “You're right. We did our best. And we still haven't lost hope yet.. if I can just get enough money for these damn meds.. insurance won't cover them and the price is just through the roof. But I think I will be able to get them soon.”

Euan gave her a solid pat on the back and stood. He went back to the cupboard and continued to dig through it. “If you need any help, my parents are pretty fortunate with money. I can always take a hundred or two they won't noti-”

“Euan, no!” Yelled Heather. She shook her head disapprovingly. “I know you and your parents don't get along very well, but you can not, I repeat, can not! Steal from them!” She sighed. “I appreciate the thought, though”

Euan just shrugged. “Gods know they wouldn't miss the money.” He leaned back from the cupboard. “Speaking of missing stuff we are out of red paint. Kids won't like that. Want me to go across the street to storage and get some more?”

Heather sighed and sat back up. “Yes please, thank you dear.”

Euan nodded and made his way out of the classroom. The storage was in a separate building and quite cluttered, so it would probably take him a moment to gather everything.

An extra moment to save his life."

The POV switches back to Emmit just as he arrives at the preschool. At the preschool he kills the receptionist and principal before meeting his mother. The chapter ends here

07 part two

The chapter starts with Heather and Emmit talking. Heather tells Emmit how she just wanted to help him. Emmit responds by saying he doesnt see how he was helped.

Emmit eventually attacks Heather. She fights back and smashed his hand with a paper weight.

Emmit is eventually able to pin her down and paralyzes her. He gets stabbed in the leg while this occurs. He eventually ties her up and finishes killing his mother. Her last words tell Emmit that she still loves him and she believes that he can get better.

The POV switches back to Euan. He is entering the preschool and is quickly greeted by blood and the two corpses from part one. He calls the police but hangs up after he realizes Heather is still locked in the building. He runs to the classroom to see Emmit with the body.

Emmit attacks Euan and is able to knock him out. Emmit then takes Euan to Heather's car and drives the two of them down to the bridge. Once there, Emmit attempts to kill Euan by drowning him in the river. Emmit succeeds and Euan passes away.

Euan is dead for a moment before jolted back to life, the ending is as follows...

"Euan could feel the burning disappear, his body being filled with a newfound sensation of calm and peace. He was relaxed. Happy. The darkness was forming into a bright light, not the kind that blinds you though. The sort of light that warms you on a cold winter day. Gods.. he felt so.. nice.. Euan could suddenly feel this peace be yanked away from him, the light blinked out to darkness and he swiftly sat up. He coughed and coughed, his lungs expelling all the water they had inhaled.

He gasped for air and looked around Emmit was gone and in his place stood a strange creature. It's form was unstable, constantly shifting into different forms and different colors. The only thing that Euan could make out is the one big, bright eye that sat in the middle of it.

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And with that part 2 of 07 concludes.

If any summaries are needed for future chapters, feel free to let me know. I hope this sufficed. :)

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