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The next morning, Carly wakes up determined to get to the bottom of Spencer's mysterious situation. As she and Freddie prepare for the day, the anticipation of Millicent's school shopping outing is mixed with the lingering concern about Spencer's well-being. They head out, hoping the day's events will bring both answers and moments of joy for the entire family.

Freddie: (stretching) Good morning, babe. Anything from Spencer?

Carly: (checking her phone) No, still nothing. It's frustrating. I want to help him, but he's keeping everything so guarded.

Freddie: Maybe today will bring some clarity. Let's focus on Millicent's day and then see if Spencer opens up.

Carly: (nodding) You're right. Millicent's school day is a priority. We'll deal with Spencer afterward.

Freddie: Agreed. Let's make today a positive one for Millicent.

Carly: (suddenly feeling unwell) Freddie, I...I need a moment.

Freddie: (concerned) Carly, what's wrong?

Carly: (rushing to the bathroom) I don't know, but... (vomits)

Freddie: (worried) Carly, are you okay?

Carly: (trying to compose herself) I don't know. Grace is having a fit in my stomach. This feels different.

Freddie: (panicking) Should we call a doctor?

Carly: (taking deep breaths) Let's wait a moment. It might pass. I just need a moment.

Freddie: (holding Carly's hair back) Carly, are you feeling any better?

Carly: (taking a deep breath) Yeah, it's passing. Grace settled down too. Must've been a momentary upset.

Freddie: (relieved) Thank goodness. Should we still check with a doctor just to be sure?

Carly: (nodding) Yeah, maybe later today. Let's get Millicent settled for her school visit first. I don't want to worry her.

Freddie: Agreed. Take it easy, Carly. I'll be right here with you.

Freddie: (trying to lighten the mood) You know, Carly, you're kinda cute even when you throw up.

Carly: (half-smiling) Oh, thanks. Nothing like a bout of morning sickness to bring out the charm, huh?

Freddie: (smirking) It's all part of the pregnancy journey, right? Grace might just be making her presence known in her own unique way.

Carly: (rolling her eyes playfully) Grace has a way of keeping things interesting, that's for sure.

Carly: (smirking) Just like her daddy - always keeping things interesting.

Freddie: (grinning) I'll take that as a compliment. Our little Grace is already making her mark.

Carly: (laughs) Definitely. Let's get ready for the day. Millicent's school visit awaits, and hopefully, no more surprises from Grace.

*Carly and Freddie head to the bathroom to brush their teeth, a mundane yet comforting part of their morning routine.*

Freddie: (with toothpaste on his toothbrush) You ready for the school visit?

Carly: (rinsing her mouth) As ready as I can be. Millicent's a bit nervous, but I think it'll be good for her.

Freddie: (spitting out toothpaste) Agreed. And afterward, we can check in with a doctor about the morning sickness.

Carly: (nodding) Definitely. Let's get through the morning, and then we'll address everything else.

Carly: (grabbing her bag) Let's swing by to pick up Millicent and get this day started.

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