Chapter 6: New Friends

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I forgot to add something to last chapter and remembered it a day or so after I posted chapter 5, but so you know, a year to these mushroom people is a month to us (So super old mushrooms you will not even see, but you don't even want to pick and eat a mushroom that is a few week old). Again I am looking for constructive criticism. Here is Chapter 6, hope you enjoy! 

-start of Chapter 6-

(Karamaki's POV)

 Imagine thousands of people in different groups but only a foot or so separating one from another. That was what the meeting place looked like. It was hella crowded and loud. Everyone was talking over each other, trying to be heard by their friends.

"Holy crap. That's a lot of people," Xoey said in shock, looking out over the caps of all of the tribes.

"Yeah," Karamaki mused. She was, of course, still thinking about everything she had witnessed, heard, and learned earlier that day. Xoey and Karamaki followed closely behind their group in order to not lose them.

"What are your names?" one of the females in the squad asked Xoey and Karamaki, the girl was walking backwards. The two of them had never met anyone in their squad and had been too caught up with other things to properly meet everyone there.

"I'm Xoey, this is Karamaki," Xoey said quickly introducing the two of them, after seeing that her friend was a bit preoccupied with scanning the large area. However she was quick to engage in the conversation.

"But you can call me Kara!" Karamaki added, smiling. "What is your name?"

"I'm Arella." the woman answered, she smiled back at Karamaki.

"Arella, stop talking to strangers," an older female in the troop scolded.

"Maeve, these strangers are in our troop." Arella replied, looking at the woman. The women looked older than Arella, however only by a few years. The woman, whose name was Maeve, rolled her eyes. Arella turned back to Xoey and Karamaki.

"Sorry, that's my sister. She can be a bit stubborn when it comes to new people, but she really is nice when you get to know her," Arella claimed. Karamaki nodded in understanding.

"It's okay, my brother is the same way," Karamaki stated. Arella smiled at Karamaki. Then she bumped into one of the guys — who shot her a look — because their unit had stopped. They had gotten as close as they could to the front of the stage and podium. All of the other squads were packed tightly together, Karamaki was sure that all of the troops were there.

Four mushrooms of different were seen on the stage. Karamaki believed that they were the tribal leaders.

"Are those four really our leaders?" Karamaki whispered to Xoey, who nodded. You were supposed to be twenty one in order to join the tribal meetings, Karamaki was not that. Xoey on the other hand was.

They continued talking and Arella joined the conversation, after listening for a few minutes. The girls were basically yelling over the rest of the troops just to be heard. An arm was lazily placed on Karamaki's shoulder. Karamaki looked up at the person.

"Hello beautiful asshole," Kirvorias teased. Karamaki rolled her eyes.

"Hey gorgeous bastard," Karamaki replied. She then turned back to Xoey and Arella, who were giggling uncontrollably. Karamaki didn't push Kirvorias' arm away, because this behavior was completely normal.

"What the hell is up with you two?" Karamaki asked cluelessly.

"Uhm, the guy who is attached to you," Xoey answered, Arella was nodding furiously.

"Oh him?" Karamaki asked, pointing her thumb at Kirvorias. "He's basically my brother."

Arella raised her eyebrow in suspicion, Xoey looked confused.

"How come I've never seen him around?" Xoey questioned, at the same time that Arella asked "What's your name?"

Karamaki and Kirvorias looked at each other knowing that this was only the start of the bombarding of questions.

"The name's Kirvorias," he told Arella.

"Because he is always out hanging with Garvan," Karamaki said, answering Xoey's question. Karamaki and Kirvorias seemed to have been wrong to assume that they would have to answer a lot of questions. The two girls seemed to have been satisfied for the moment.

"Where the hell is your troop, Kirvorias?" Karamaki asked him.

"Uhhh," Kirvorias looked around. "Somewhere over yonder."

Karamaki sighed in disappointment, "you're supposed to know where your troop is at all times Dumbass."

Kirvorias shrugged. Then one of the leaders, Shavia, stepped forward. Kirvorias was quick to leave, he seemed to disappear into thin air.


(Garvan's POV)

Garvan saw Kirvorias run past, zigzagging in between other squads.

"Dumbass," Garvan muttered under his breath. No one heard him, thankfully. Garvan turned his head away from watching Kirvorias sprinting towards his own troop. He was now watching the leaders. He had been at the Tribal meeting earlier that morning, and he had an idea of what the leaders would bring up. However, Garvan was also really tired that morning, up until he was dead asleep on the ride to the camp grounds. Now it was almost bedtime for these mushrooms, and Garvan was tired. Again.

"Dude, you look like you got zero sleep in the past week," Zigmund, one of Garvan's only friends other than Kirvorias, whispered.

"Because I haven't gotten any sleep in the past two days," Garvan whispered back. Garvan quickly looked at Zigmund, meeting his eyes.

Zigmund, or Ziggy as Karamaki liked to call him, was an inch or so taller than Garvan, but they had a similar build otherwise. Zigmund was a bit older than most of the group's members. He was twenty-six, around three years older than Lysandra. So probably about Syas' age.

"Jeez man, you really should hit the hay," Zigmund replied in a quiet voice, he then sighed quietly.

"I Would if I could, but I can't right now," Garvan said. Shavia cleared her throat loudly, which put a stop to all conversations that had continued even though she had stepped up to the podium.

-end of Chapter 6-

I tried the best I could with this chapter (as I always do). I will post another chapter and/or some character bios as soon as I can! Have a good night/morning!


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