Chapter 2: Lucks and Stunts

Start from the beginning

But before the LightFoot could land a blow, he was grabbed by the neck by a bigger LightFoot, who seemed to have overheard everything before his sudden appearance.

"How can one be so out of touch with his tribe?" spoke the big LightFoot slowly, staring and scowling at the tall one in his grip.

"Uh... W-w-what are you talking about?" The tall one spoke with some fear in him of what'd happen if he asked.

In response, the big LightFoot threw the tall one against a tree, with a branch and a few fruits falling heavily on his head as a result.

"If it wasn't for them, our planet would still be in distress!" Said the big Lightfoot fiercely after turning to the other five.

The other LightFoots were unsure of what to say or do, as there could be more beat-ups as a result, so the five either ran or bounced in different directions. As for the tall one, he stayed and watched. Fear and curiosity were fighting for dominance in his head, his curiosity won; He may be out of touch, but he liked to learn his lessons.

He looked at the big fellow in front of him. Despite being curious, he was too careful to speak immediately, and all he could start with was a soft "S... Sorry."

"...Who are you?" Said the tall LightFoot as he turned to Krystal inquiringly, his manners here seemed less rude than the average LightFoot.

"I'm Krystal of the Star Fox team, I'm here in search of a few lost artifacts from planet Cerinia. My home planet which was destroyed."

"The Star Fox team... yes, just as I thought." Said the big LightFoot. His tone saying "just as I thought" sounded out of authority and sounded cheerful instead, like correct-answer-cheerful. "My memory was a bit blurry, but I thought I knew who you were. I am RedFoot, I used to be one of the guards here."

"Wouldn't your name be BigFoot? Because of how big you are?" The tall LightFoot was careful as he said this.

RedFoot turned to the tall LightFoot with a small stern scowl and a flowerish-red face, then replied: "The name 'BigFoot' was taken."

Lightfoots were notorious for their unwelcoming manners, even everything they owned was unwelcoming to see or enter; Their village, their belongings, and especially their treasure. If a dinosaur tribe was ever most likely to initiate a war against even their own rulers, it was this village of bouncing hostile Ornitholestes-looking thin-tall-necks.

But these two seemed alien to that stereotype. Counter-pointing RedFoot, both of them looked like they were out of touch to their tribe, who (even after their planet was saved from that giant enslaving SharpClaw and his army) continued their reclusive hostile act. Both looking like they're continuously hiding that alien nature to either save face or stay in an acknowledgeable position in the tribe. But the biggest pro of that whole misunderstood business was their more original opinions and their far more open mind (which, for anyone who had such a thing, like a mechanic childish toad for example, would be very advantageous).  

The tall LightFoot stepped forward cautiously and tried to break the ice between him and RedFoot by responding with a self-deprecating joke before introducing himself: "I understand, the name 'TallFoot' was taken as well. I am FireFoot... sorry about what we did earlier."

"It's okay, I understand you had good intentions, you wanted to protect the village's treasure." Krystal replied. Despite disagreeing with his method (It's freaking Sauria) There was a tone of reflection in her last sentence, almost as if the whole protection from invasion thing was poetic. She was better composed in her panic and reply this time, causing FireFoot to get a bit rosy, after all, shy beings are always overwhelmed when complements on their forward actions are involved, no matter what the species are.

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