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                         Ruth Nowak

Name: Ruth Nowak
Age: 23 years old
Height: 1,97 cm
Born: Sweden
Lived in: she was born in Sweden and then at 15 years old she moved to New Zealand. But she was often in Iceland because of her mother's job
Sibling's: she has two siblings both younger than her Julia is the youngest and is 17 and Jakob he is the middle child and is 20 years old
Mom: Maria. she's Polish and isn't the greatest mom she usually hits or hurt Ruth but not her siblings
Dad: Jiehong. he's Chinese and left the family when Ruth was 8
Sexuality: Lesbian
Eyes: blue
Hair: black short hair with pink underdye
Language: Polish, English, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, French, Spanish, Icelandic, Swedish (she likes to learn languages)
Dance style: she does everything but likes hip hop, freestyle and Latin the most. She even knows belly dancing.


Dancing journey: Ruth started dancing at 4 years old she started with ballet, and when she was 6 she started figure skating, she was also doing hockey and as there weren't enough of girls to make a team she had to be in the boy team, which made her very strong.

She is still doing it but now she knows more dancing and tricks. She does choreographies to many famous celebrities and is often a background dancer but she isn't that famous or known in the dance industry.

Personality: she is super kind. But she can look scary first because of her resting face. If anyone hurt or say something mean to her friend she gets really mad. She is also struggling with her mental health. No one has ever seen her cry. She is very much like a boy and sometimes people mistake her for being a boy.

Looks: she has one tounge piercing and one on her eyebrow and she has lots on her ear. She is really strong and she has abs.☺️. She has a dragon tattoo on her arm and shoulder.


When she was little she had to raise her siblings because her mom worked all the time. And sometimes she got beaten up because of her grades or wasn't good enough. Her dad was a alcoholic and sometimes when she didn't do what she was told he threw bottles  her and hit her. So now days she has a scar on her lip.

She moved from Sweden to New Zealand when she was 15, because her mom got a job offer there so they all moved there. Her English wasn't perfect but she already knew some of it but wasn't fluent.

When she was in school (in New Zealand) she got bullied alot for her English and for her boyish personality because in the beginning, she wasn't that good at English but when she got a friend (Kirsten) and they said something to her she got very angry and one time she fought back. Because her bullies bullied her siblings and Kirsten (and she won).

Fame: she isn't very famous but has taken place on tiktok where people is editing her when she dances often as a background dancer of straykids.

She is more famous in the skating industry because she is a figure skater and compete.
Here is one video if you want to see just think it's Ruth instead of Josefin




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