~ Chapter 26 ~

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Two weeks had passed since the murders, and Sachiko had returned to her everyday life with classes, being with her friends and going on missions. Most days, she was distracted, but still, an empty feeling haunted her chest, even in the happiest moments. Satoru and their friends were a great help with keeping the mood light, but the day Sachiko was expecting had arrived. 

The girl had suddenly ducked down behind a bush, startling her two friends, who looked around confused. Nanami and Yu spotted an old woman slowly walking up the steps towards the school while Sachiko was muttering curses to herself. There was no doubt that the older woman was related to their friend, but they didn't want to presume anything. Four guards were escorting her as she supported herself with a cane. Each time the wood struck the ground, a sound echoed through the courtyard. A sound that made Sachiko's heart constrict every time it got louder. 

"Is that your grandmother?" Nanami asked. The girl nodded, and a bright smile came to Yu's face. He hadn't quite read the situation right and clapped his hands excitedly. Nanami glanced at him with a raised eyebrow while Sachiko stared at him wide-eyed, willing him to be quiet. 

"That is great! She seems like such a sweet old lady; this will be great for you. With everything that happened, seeing your family will hopefully bring you some more peace and healing." Yu said, his voice echoing across the courtyard which caught the older woman's attention. The boy met the black eyes that matched his friend's, and he realised that his assumption might have been wrong. There was no emotion held in her eyes, almost a darkness that sat behind them that made his skin crawl. 

"Sachiko Chiyo, I'm assuming you're behind that bush where that loud-mouth boy is," Fumiko called out. Sachiko groaned inward as she closed her eyes. Nanami glared at Yu, who looked at her apologetically as she stood up slowly. "The Gojo family refused to host the meeting after weeks of avoiding our messages. So it will be held here. So come." 

"I have classes. The Gojo family didn't request me to attend, so I have no reason to attend..." Sachiko stated as she picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. Yu and Nanami saw the anger flash in the old woman's eyes, but it seemed she was holding herself back from saying anything that reflected that. They assumed it was because they were standing there. 

"You insolent little girl. I will not tell you again," she barked before continuing. Sachiko frowned before she stepped forward to follow the woman's directions. She glanced back at Yu and Nanami, and the old woman's voice sounded again: "Leave your friends; they do not matter." 

"Curses come in many forms. Can you tell Satoru for me? I could really use him." Sachiko said. Yu nodded while Nanami started heading straight to where the second-year classroom was. The other boy glanced between his two friends and rushed after Nanami. Sachiko watched them for a moment before walking down, following behind Fumiko, leaving a sizable gap. "Why is this meeting necessary? They didn't get to me, nor will they. I am not the same little girl they attacked in my home."

"The Gojo estate is where you were attacked, Sachiko. You have no home. You are still naive and know nothing about the world you are a part of. The Gojo family has allowed you too much freedom, and today, I will be taking you back to the Chiyo estate, where you will finally be used for your purpose." Fumiko stated, not sparing a glance at her granddaughter. Sachiko frowned as she stomach dropped, she wanted to take her back to the Choyo estate. A place that makes her nightmares seem like fairytales, a place that everyone she cares about will be unable to step foot in. 

"I will not allow you. I'm perfectly happy where I am. I've worked hard to be where I am now." Sachiko said, her pace quicking so she could finally walk by Fumiko's side. A strange voice came from the older woman's throat, and she stopped in her tracks. The four men surrounding them stopped as well. Sachiko recognised them as Chiyo family members who had been recruited to protect the head of the family. Most were now older men, but a teenager, only a few years older than Sachiko, stood amongst them today. 

"You have had everything handed to you, yet you are so ungrateful." Fumiko just shook her head and continued walking. Nobody dared to speak another word until they entered the principal's hall. He sat at his normal spot, but his eyes were concentrated on the white-haired teen with a smirk. Sachiko felt relief overcome her as she spotted her fiancee. Sachiko broke off from her grandmother and headed straight to Satoru's side, her hand eloping with his. 

As her grandmother reached the front, Gojo's parents entered with Yui at their side. Their pace was much quicker than the old woman's. They greeted their children with fond smiles and the principal and Fumiko with a respectful nod. The principal took his leave, and with that, the tension grew in the room. 

"Fumiko Chiyo, there was no reason for this meeting. Sachiko is a member of the Gojo family. She is under our protection. You do not need to be involved in her life; she has made it clear many times that is her wish." Satoru's father spoke; he kept his tone polite, but his words were stern. 

"I have lost my legacy, the children of the Chiyo family murdered in their own homes. The Gojo family know's nothing about loss, your own child is destined to be the strongest sorcerer of the century and my family is left to the hands of a spoilt little girl." Fumiko says. Sachiko rolled her eyes at the statement of their homes; why did they have homes while she didn't? Everyone glanced at Sachiko; nobody but Fumiko felt she was spoilt, but there was no denying that having a whole family's survival relying on you was not an overwhelming burden. "Sachiko Chiyo will return to the Chiyo Estate, where she will be protected. She will fulfil her duty as an inheritor. That is the best place for her, for our family." 

"She has yet to finish her schooling and has great promise as a sorcerer. Sachiko is requested for the majority of her jobs, and she is rising through the ranks at a record rate. The only thing holding her back is your need for control over her—a child you sold so easily fifteen years ago." 

"A mistake I shouldn't have done; if she had been confirmed earlier, she would have been raised correctly to his needs, but instead, she is betrothed to your brat. Sachiko doesn't need to finish her schooling; she never needed it in the first place, but you indulged her. Allowed her unnecessary freedoms, but that will change." Sachiko's eyes widened as her grip on Satoru's hand tightened. She stepped behind him ever so slightly, but Fumiko noticed. The older woman's eyes bore into her own, "Sachiko will be partnered with a sire that I chose, a child of the Chiyo who will help produce pure heirs. Then, with the line secured, she will be given to the man she was destined to be with. This young man, my great-nephew, will be the one to take your place, Satoru; they have gotten along since they were young. They should be happy." 

Everyone turned to the boy, who was a year older than Satoru; Sachiko had finally remembered who he was. Touma Chiyo, her cousin, was one of the rare children she encountered at the Chiyo Estate, and he often was one of the reasons she got in trouble so much. He was loyal as a dog to the Chiyo family, raised by Fumiko with the small amount of kindness that her body had yet to dispose of. "It will be my honour, Sachiko; our children will be blessed." 

Sachiko's stomach dropped, and she thought the contents of her breakfast would spill over the floor. Despite his parents ' request that he stay quiet, Satoru let go of her hand as Yui took his place. He was done. 

"Your words are worthless. Sachiko will not be going with you," Satoru stated. Without words, he took Sachiko's hand and guided her back outside. The four guards stepped in front of them, blocking their exit; all four looked nervous to be threatening Satoru Gojo. "I will not hesitate, move." 

"No," Touma said as he took a stance. Suddenly, two large vines appeared and threw the four men to the group as though they were nothing. Everyone glanced at Sachiko, who had an annoyed expression on her face. She turned back to her grandmother. 

"I will be deciding what I do with my life from now on. I will stay with the Gojo family as I am one of them. They are my home. I will only be marrying Satoru, and I will be having his children," Sachiko said sternly, her head raised high and hands in balled fists. 

"You will be the death of the Chiyo Family." Fumiko hissed, her glare directed at her granddaughter. 

Turning away and taking the lead from Satoru, Sachiko marched towards the door without looking back. She called, "Good riddance."

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