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Ethan was not supposed to feel that way about his wife's voice.After five years of marriage, he loved her enough to stay and be faithful. Of course, nothing wrong had happened from the conversation he had with the redhead. It was only playful banter between strangers. He hadn't meant to lead on the woman he had just met nor to cause Diane any harm. Still, she was clearly pissed as she stormed through the pool, causing ripples to form around her small frame in the process. She hadn't even tied up her hair in a ponytail as she usually does everytime she goes near water. The goal was to not wet it so she wouldn't have to wash it every day of their stay. Now, though, she didn't seem to care, her long, curly locks turning straight under the water.

Reaching the talking couple, the man finally came to his senses and was able to hear what she had to say about his 'little dirty encounter with a random slut' as Diane had put it. He knew she was a protective woman, not jealous as she looked better than everyone else and had enough confidence to show that theory off. It was more of a 'don't touch what's mine' kind of possessiveness coming off in waves of dominance every time she was near her husband.

"You are to get your things off of our loungers and walk to our hotel room," Diane ordered, not even sparing a glance at the redhead's direction. Her stare was mean, eyes challenging Ethan to dare to oppose her or not do what she had told him. The man turned to the woman he had had so much fun with, disappointed he had to leave and probably never see her again. His reality was completely different from hers. He could not stay to have fun or ask her more daring questions, maybe have a few more of the same drinks. Have a drunk, full of regrets night like back in his teenage years. He wanted to experience all of that again with someone who would let him get loose and not criticize every single move of his. Instead, he casted his head down, guilty and not able to look at the woman's worried eyes any longer.

"Excuse me, who the fuck are you to talk to him like that?" She protested, glancing at Diane's manicured hand which was wrapped around Ethan's muscled arm in a deadly grip. The curly haired woman finally took a glimpse at the stranger, giving her a dirty, unamused look and scoffing at her absurd audacity.

"I am his wife. And you are?" She raised her eyebrow, waiting for a response. The stranger opened her mouth, trying to stammer out an answer but nothing had come out. Trying to get out of this mess, which had been unnecessarily been turned into such by Diane's uncontrollable anger, Ethan decided to step forward and apologize to the beautiful woman.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your night," he told her, his voice dripping with sincerity. "I hope the drink made up for at least a part of it." He saw his wife shaking her head in disappointment from his peripheral vision. He knew he was in trouble for sure. His arm was pulled towards the exit of the pool so he decided to follow. It was not time to try to make his case worse than it already was. The last thing he heard before walking away was the gorgeous stranger telling him it was no bother and thanking him for the drink and fun company. That caused another annoyed scoff to escape Diane's mouth. She didn't say anything, though, just kept walking.

Once out of the pool, Ethan didn't dare look at the redhead's direction. He rushed to gather all of their baggage from the lounge chairs they had chosen, feeling Diane's stare burning holes in his back while doing so. In the meantime, his wife had put on her high heeled shoes she had walked to the pool with. They made her feet look better, she had stated when he asked why she couldn't wear slippers like everyone else did when walking to the pool. When he had the bag with towels on his shoulder, Diane turned and started marching towards their hotel room, not giving him a second glance or even waiting for him to catch up. He even had to jog a little so as to not fall behind.

"Diane, honey, I-," the man tried to say something that would maybe soften her mood. However, he was cut off by her right away.

"Not a word," she dismissed, leaving no place for protest. Ethan decided to shut his mouth and quietly walk behind her. The only sound that could be heard in the hallway was Diane's heels hitting the glossy, marble floors. Even her striding sounded angry as well as powerful. Although. in her two-piece. black swimsuit, she could still assert her dominance over you and show just how much richer than you she is.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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