✶ ꜱᴜɴᴅᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ꜱɪᴄᴋ ꜱ/ᴏ ✶

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⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙

↻ It wasn't often that you would get sick, but if you found yourself starting to exhibit symptoms of the flu then Sunday would clear his schedule to ensure he had the day off

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↻ It wasn't often that you would get sick, but if you found yourself starting to exhibit symptoms of the flu then Sunday would clear his schedule to ensure he had the day off

     ↺ If he wasn't able to completely clear his schedule, then he'd do his best to call and check on you, having another family member or worker tending to your needs

↻ I can see him as being a mother hen when you're sick, always checking in on you and getting everything you needed

     ↺ He'll make sure you always have tissues and a rubbish can near you, an ice pack or heating pad, a glass of water or tea, etc...

↻ If there isn't already medicine on hand, he'd personally send someone to get one or get it himself

     ↺ Getting it himself would be the last resort as he would like to be by you 24/7, in case anything were to happen then he'd be right there

↻ Sunday would take over any chores that you normally did, cleaning and disinfecting around the place while you slept

     ↺ If you had to work that day, he'd call in for you so that you could have a couple days of rest

↻ He'd make sure that you would eat something that would be light on your stomach

     ↺ Meals consisting of different soups and a couple of diced fruits, refilling your water here and there (he's kind of your personal maid at this point)

↻ If you need help taking a shower, he would assist you, washing your hair and massaging your scalp gently or scrubbing your back

     ↺ Sunday would find you especially cute when he's drying your hair, you just look so soft

↻ Although he would try his best to try and not get sick, a couple kisses (mainly on your forehead or hands) couldn't hurt..could they..?

     ↺ He probably would get sick by the time you are feeling much better, and as disappointed as he is that he has to miss out on work while burdening you with his sickness, he would be so grateful that you're willing to take care of him

     ↺ Sunday would insist that he could do things on his own but you'd help him anyway, eventually he just accepts his fate

↻ Sunday would make sure that the room is comfortable for you, as in the lighting from outside isn't too bright or it isn't too hot or cold in there (just in case you were sensitive to sounds and light)

     ↺ Personally, headaches where light and noise make it worse are something I HATE

↻ If you need help falling asleep, he'd hum a lullaby (could be one of his sister's songs or something from his childhood) or talk to you about anything (lulling you to sleep with his voice)

     ↺ Once you are asleep, he'd place a soft kiss on your forehead while holding your hand, tucking you in, and remaining by your side for the rest of your sleep

- - - - -

The city noises were muffled, the lights from outside leaving the room dimly lit through the curtains. The temperature of the room was neither too hot nor too cold. Sunday had ensured the room was to your comfort, not wanting to worsen any headaches you may be experiencing.

Under thick comforters, you laid restlessly. As much as it was important to rest, you just couldn't find a comfortable position. A knock at the door interrupted your struggles.

"Darling? Are you alright?" Sunday opened the door slightly, allowing the light from the hallway to seep in.

Fidgeting in your shared bed, you shook your head no, trying to refrain from straining your sore throat.

"Hm... You can't sleep?" A nod of your head confirmed his suspicions.

He walked into the room, shutting the door behind him, and taking a seat near your spot on the bed. "Is there anything that I can do to help you?" Sunday hummed in thought, moving a strand of hair away from your heated forehead. You nodded again.

"...Do you want to hear a story?" In different circumstances, you would've chuckled at his suggestion, but you wouldn't mind him telling one if it meant hearing him speak. Nodding with a small smile, you made yourself comfortable.

Sunday looked down at your hand, caressing your palm deep in thought. His wings slightly perked up once he found something to share, looking back up at you.

"During my childhood..."

For the rest of the night, Sunday would recall fond memories of his childhood, some that you've heard before and others that were new to you. Nevertheless, hearing his voice calmly recount stories had lulled you to sleep, your grip on his hand growing lax. Sunday noticed you had fallen asleep and his stories slowly came to a stop.

Smiling adoringly at your relaxed figure, he pulled the comforters up a little higher and gave a small kiss on your forehead.

"Goodnight darling, I will be here by your side until you wake. Sweet dreams."

- - - - -

↻ Once you wake up from your slumber, Sunday would be resting his head on your stomach, wings fluttering every couple of minutes

↻ Eventually, you would fall back asleep, hand resting on his head after running them through his messy strands

↻ Needless to say, with Sunday as your personal caretaker, you would be better in no time

⋘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! ⋙

thank you guys for reading! i am currently working on a request so look out for the next chapter! no spoilers on what it is tho. ;)

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