First day in Kindy

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"Bingo! Time to go to Kindy!" Chilli yelled up to Bingo, who was sitting on her bed nervous for her first day.

"Oh Bingo cmon honey, we talked about this, no one will make fun of you." Chilli reassured her daughter, but Bingo wasn't having it.

"You don't know that mum! How can you be so sure!?" Chilli didn't know how to answer her daughters concerns... But gave it her best shot.

"I don't, but... I'm sorry honey I'm just trying to help." Chilli seemed sad now, "I just want you to know you aren't alone, and that I'm here for you okay?" She told her little red heeler daughter.

Bingo didn't want to go, but needed to anyway. As they got into the car, Bluey and Bandit came racing out of the house.

"Dang Bluey you're getting faster by the day!" Bandit panted, "You sure it's me? Or are you getting slower? Hehe!" Bluey laughed.

"Bingo, are you excited for Kindy?" Bluey asked her younger sibling.

"No... I don't wanna go, I wanna stay at home with mum and dad." Bingo said, not having any confidence since her last real interaction with another kid in the park. This was all just last week.

"Hi I'm Bingo! Wanna play together?"
"Sorry... I don't talk to gang members. Haha!"
"Just saying, get rid of the dumb cut in your head and grow some fur!" The kid ran off...

Bingo was now sitting in her seat crying to herself, which Bluey took quick notice of. "Bingo sisy, it'll be okay, I promise you." She told her sister.

"But how do you know Bluey? How can you guys promise me the future if you can't see it?" Bingo said, she was right...

"I'm sorry Bingo, I shouldn't be promising anything... You're right. I'm sorry." Bluey held her sister in a hug as they approached Bingos new Kindy.

"Okay Bingo... You okay from here?" Bandit asked his youngest daughter.

"Yes dad, please don't forget me!" She told him.

"I won't Hun, have a good first day!" Bandit drove off... As Bingo was spotted by the same kid from before, the one from the park...

"Hey look the freak is here!" He shouted, "Go away!" Bingo barked, it sounded more like a yip, but she tried...

"Aww whatcha gonna do, cry?" Bingo started to get upset.

"Y-yes..." Bingo turned and ran as the kid and his buddies laughed at her as she ran off. Not even 5 minutes in and Bingo was already crying... Kindy was not a place for Bingo.

Bingo sniffled by the tree for a few good minutes before the Kindy teacher found her.

"Hello? Are you new here?" She asked Bingo, Bingo nodded.

"Oh what's wrong Hun?" The female retriever pulled Bingo into a hug as Bingo explained it all.

"Those boys are mean! I want to just cry... But I can't..." Bingo said.

"Honey, it's okay to cry, it's how our emotions are shared." Miss retriever said, reminding Bingo.

"But... I can't cry... My body won't let me!" Bingo remarked, her little body wouldn't let her cry anymore.

"Oh honey, cmon we will talk more inside..." Miss retriever picked up Bingo and carried her inside.

"I'm Mrs retriever... What's your name?" She asked.

"B-bingo..." Bingo responded still sniffling a bit.

The three boys had followed Bingo and miss retriever, still laughing about it all.

"You three, in my office, I will come speak with you when I am ready." Miss retriever called to them, they listened quickly.

"Bingo, if they give you anymore trouble, come tell me immediately okay?" She patted Bingo on the head.

"Okay Miss retriever..." Bingo said as she walked back outside, to find something to play. She was on her own.

About 10 minutes later, the three boys had found Bingo again, now they were mad.

"You little grub! You told on us!?" The first one shouted at Bingo, her little ears still sensitive to noise.

"You got us in trouble you freak!" The second one said pushing Bingo over onto her back, causing her to land on a rock. "Ow!" Bingo yelled, holding in tears.

"Little freak doesn't know her place, let's see how you like this!" The boy placed his paw on Bingos torso and began hitting her in the stomach again and again with his paw. Causing her to yip in pain.

Bingo had started to fight back, and barked twice before bitting the young husky, causing him to back away.

"Oh you little... GET HER!" he shouted to his friends, who grabbed Bingo and began relentlessly slapping her.

"Ow! S---stop pleas--se!" Bingo had now lost a tooth because of the interaction.

"Hope you rot there you dumb freak." The husky left Bingo to wollow in her pain, which she did.

"Why do they hate me? Why am I so different!?" Bingo yelled, she tried to get up, but she was in too much pain.

Bandit and miss retriever had been looking for Bingo when the three boys had been heard,

"That was gold! I can't believe she decided to bite you! Like we wouldn't hurt her for that!" "Right!? Hahaha!"

The two adults approached the tree to find Bingo unconscious on the ground full of bruises and scars. She was rushed to the clinic where it seemed nothing was broken and no bleeding was found.

"What in the world happened to my little girl?" Bandit said beside his daughters hospital bed.

"T-those three b-boys dad..." Bingo muttered out, Bandit shot up out of his chair.

"BINGO! you're awake! Thank dog!" He screamed.

"Wait, did you say three boys? As in the huskies?" Bandit asked.

"Yes dad..." Bingo replied.

Bandit was furious, he wanted to get these kids back, so he taught Bingo how to defend herself, just in case the talk with miss retriever wouldn't go well. To his surprise, miss retriever couldn't do anything without a solid prove if evidence that anything happened between the two groups.

Bandit goes about the next few days teaching Bingo self defense. She was ready for it this time, really ready.

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