Moving on (angst? fluff? idk)

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aight y'all it's another survivor!taka au so get ready for mentions of mondos death

warnings: none? let me know if I should add any


Taka POV

It's been about... 6 months ever since the killing game ended. I, along with the other survivors joined the Future Foundation.

I've been getting better. I've been taking therapy, doing things I enjoy, etc, etc.

I'm still very sad about Mondo's death. He was my friend. My best friend. My first friend. My only friend. My lover.

But, I'm getting over his death.

I'm no longer a hall monitor, no longer the "Ultimate Moral Compass." I'm now a new person. I'm happier, but I still miss him.


I draw and scribble in my sketchbook. I really liked to draw ever since I was young. I drew lots of things, whether it was Mondo, or something about the killing game, or anything else. I also studied. It was probably one of my favorite things to do. But, I lost track of time, so by the time I was finished, it was almost midnight, so I went to sleep.

2 months later

Today I'm going to visit Mondo's grave. I haven't visited in a while, and it was his birthday, so I thought it would be nice to visit.

I went to the store to buy some flowers. Lilac to be specific. I liked lilacs. It reminded me of his eyes.. Light purple and pretty.

I arrived at the graveyard and walked over to Mondo's grave. I placed the flowers down, and sat down next to the gravestone, leaning my head against it, as if the stone was his shoulder.

I sat for a while. I looked at the gaps of sunlight.

"I miss you more than anything..."

yes the end was a mitski reference (i swear im gonna publish the next omori x danganronpa part soon i promise im working on it 😢🙏🙏)

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