Bound Arlyn and the Sorcerer

Comenzar desde el principio

Y/n: "Fuck you. I know exactly where I am."

Still with her eye closed Y/n  sniffs the air.

Y/n: "I am in a room near a garden. With two people in it. I could knock you out without trying." Let me have a well-earned nap since I haven't slept in three weeks.

???: "What an interesting form of denial. Pull yourself together. We don't have time for this. We've wasted enough time here. Let me briefly introduce myself. I am Sica, First Sorcerer of Virgo. Arcturus, the one who brought you here, is my college. You're at Neb Aula, an off-campus dorm--"

Y/n: "That's enough. I don't need to know anything else about this."

Spica: "Really? Why?"

Y/n: "I'm at a college dorm, one where I'm not enrolled. I should be focusing on finding work, not learning of a school I never applied to. I'm Kamado Y/n, you need not know of my profession, but I do know medical procedures, and pharmaceutical knowledge."

Spica: "Y/n... ...Nice name. I'll remember it, since it looks like you and I will be talking quite often. It's about time the others arrived."

As soon as he finishes his sentence, I hear running footsteps in the hallway outside. One... two... three... ...

Arcturus: "Ta-da! Sorcerer Arcky makes his grand entrance! Oh wow, you're awake... ...! Great I was starting to get worried."

Y/n: "You kidnapped me!" You're about to be more worried.

Arcturus: "I-I, I did what to you now? Com-"

Y/n: "You committed a criminal offense consisting of the unlawful taking and carrying away of a person by force or fraud or the unlawful seizure and detention of a person against their will."

Arcturus: "You could've left when you woke up."

Y/n: "True but I would've committed assault to get out. Spica was holding me against my will."

Arcturus: "Come on! What was I supposed to do, leave you there? You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking..."

Y/n: "No. You were supposed to leave me there considering that fact that I was the one to knock out the monster!"

Arcturus: "You could've been injured!"

Y/n: "I was but not from that thing, although considering your pure intention I'll drop it."

Arcturus: "Thanks..."

Spica: "Hrrmph... That took longer than expected. I take it you were distracted by other things."

Arcturus: "Sorry. So much stuff happened on my way here it's not even funny. I'm late 'cause I took care  of every single one of them! So, did you two socialize a little when I was gone?"

Y/n: "He talked at me a lot."

Spica sighs.

Spica: "Did you prepare everything i asked?"

Arcturus: "Of course~ Transfer sheet, all the other required paperwork, communications magic tool Stella Tab.. and the list goes on! Here Y/n These are all for you."

Y/n: "As much appreciated as this is I must return home right away."

Arcturus: "We want to, Y/n. Believe me. But right now we just don't know how..."

Y/n: "Can I at least get a first aide kit? And stop the speech before you start. I know you want to but with the bleeding and the pounding headache. I can't pretend to be intrested."

Arcturus: "Sure! Bleeding?!"

Y/n: "If you're uncomfortable with naked torsos look away."

Y/n lifts her shirt as she starts patching herself up.

Spica: "You really shouldn't be making so many false promises, Arcturus."

Y/n: "Let him be. Even if he hasn't been able to make good on those promises he's trying at least."

Spica: "But I partially agree with him that your exceptional magical talent requires our most dedicated care and attention. Otherwise, it is a risk."

Y/n: "Fuck off while I do stitches."

Arcturus: "Rember how I dropped out of nowhere when we first met? That's your magical talent... Summoning magic! It's one of the hardest, riskiest kinds of magic--"

Y/n: "What did I say about speeches?"

Arcturus: "There should be some painkillers in there."

Spica: "Furthermore, one must first fulfill a condition known as imprinting to summon a living subject. Imprints are consensual oaths between creatures... I don't see how you two could have reached a consensus beforehand."

Y/n: "Wow way to use common sense."

Arcturus: "Hmm. It could've been an anomaly in the spell. Didn't Y/n summon from somewhere ordinary?"

Spica: "You're-OW!"

I threw a book at him.

Y/n: "You're making it worse stop with the unnecessary chatter. You're gonna make me screw up my stitches!"

Spica: "We intend to protect and support you to the best of our abilities to prevent all possible risks."

Arcturus: "Y/n, you'll be Contell's very first transfer student!"

Y/n: "I'd rather not be a student anywhere."

Spica: "You what...? That reminds me of someone I know. Someone pathetic."

Y/n: "Screw you. I haven't been to school since I was twelve."

Arcturus: "I think that counts as abuse."

Spica: "Mostly neglect."

Arcturus: "Well, welcome to school!" 

Y/n: "I'm going to hate this aren't I?"

Spica: "Depends on how smart you are?"

Y/n: "I headbutt my way through life, and sometimes use my forehead as a cutting board."

Spica: "You are going to despise it."


???: "This is Pollux. This is Pollux~ I picked up... Huh? Hey, I can't see the screen? It doesn't look... like Spica. Who are you?"

Y/n: "Hello."

Pollux: "Huh? Hello...? Oh no. That's not it! Tell me who you are when I'm still asking nicely!?..."

Y/n: "I'm just a transfer student..."

Pollux: "Transfer Student? That's strange. I haven't heard of such a thing... Hmmm, hmmm... Do you expect me to take your word for it? First of all, try setting the screen properly. It's frustrating because I can't see your face..."

Y/n: "Arcturus, help me."

Arcturus: "Hey, it's me Poll. Spica is here too!"

Spica: "What the hell is this?"

Pollux: "I'm... confused because you guys called randomly call me up. So what's going on?"

Y/n: "Spica wants to deliver a message."

Pollux: "If that's the case, he should call me directly. Why bother... Anyway, what is it about?"

Y/n: "We were asked to come to the committee room."

Pollux: "Eh, the committee room all of a sudden? You don't even know where I might be now... Oh well. I guess sorcerers have a way of knowing it. I'll start heading there right now~ Everyone don't be late!"

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