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This is a sequel to boot loop, if you haven't read it, you won't know what the frick is happening (Like you would if you read bootloop...)

I woke up with a bloody knife in my hands and two dead aliens beside me...."S-Sam...What happened...?" I asked my cube companion. "You killed the frick  outta those guys!" Sam said, swirling around me before pearching on my shoulder, making content cube noises. "I...I-I did?" I asked. "Yep!" The cube stated.
"Geez...." I muttered under my breath. Me and Zach crashed here in a escape pod after being separated from our friend Cordie.  Zach....WHERE IS ZACH?! Suddenly I heard Aliens getting beat up left and right...I think I knew where Zach was. I run into the halls and see Zach, going full metal man, beating the crap out of everyone. Then he turned around. "Eric!" He exclaimed happily."Zach?! Where were you?!" I yelled at him. "Sorry, I was kinda in a operating room." He stated.
"Same." I replied. He looked at Sam for a second then turned back to me. "So...What's the plan?" He asked. "I guess we find Cordie." I said. Zach nods "Do we know where She is?" He asked. "I uh.....Convinced the king to tell me. He said she was in the palace....There's no palace here so she could literally be anywhere.
"The princess is in another castle." Zach muttered sarcastically. "Nyheheheh, you idiots!" Sam giggled, flying off my shoulding and floating in the air. "I put a tracking device on her!" Sam stated proudly.
"You brilliant cube, where is she?!" I asked.
"I can't pinpoint her location exactly but she's on the tundera planet, the one that's freezing cold." Sam stated.
"Of course, Canada." I joked. "Sam, turn into a ship!" I yell.
"I'm uh...Not charged enough..." She states "Autchally I'm feelin
KiN d a..." She slurs falling from the air, I run over and catch her. "HOW DO I CHARGE YOU?!?!" I yell. Sam giggles "Pretty much any usb c cable...." She states sounding......Drunk? "Well great, there's no outlets anywhere on this planet, any alternative methods?" I ask. "Take out my Niryrite core." Sam giggles out. "Zach, do you what what the frick a Niryrite  is?!" I ask.
"Blue crystal, it glows and stores sunlight." Zach states. I hand Sam to him. "You do it, I don't wanna break it...." I state "Okay." He states. He prys Sam's outer layer out and removes her core. He places it on a large rock. "Now we just gotta wait for the sun to charge it fully..." He states. After a few hours of direct sunlight the core was glowing as bright as it could. He put the core back inside Sam and it turned on. Sam flies around for a few seconds. "How do you feel?" I asked it. "Great." Sam chirped.
"Great, can you turn into a ship now?" I ask it. Halfway through my sentence she started transforming.
I stepped into the ship and Zack followed. "Set course for Tundera!" I yell.
"Course set!" The console of the ship said as it began lifting off.

...I wasn't holding on...

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