Busy (Satanick/Victor)

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"Victor?" Satanick rolled down the window, and his slightly long black silk cloak was dragging on the floor. The sound of the leather shoes coming and going on the floor with a clunky sound.

Victor seemed to be still sleeping. He was probably busy with experiments. He most likely forgot to sleep for several days and passed out on the desk. The messy logs, information, letters, prints and scattered papers spread from the table to the bed. Satanick found a small corner on his bed, he decided it would be best to sit down with the sickly man and gently grab onto his wrist. Victor's breathing rises and falls steadily, and his pulse beats regularly without exerting any effort. Satanick was not as noisy or provocative as usual, he just held his hand quietly.

Suddenly the only sound left in the room was their heartbeats. Satanick can almost feel it as fresh blood bubbles close to the surface.

It's still winter, and humans always feel sleepy in winter since the weather is always intolerable——But Satanick still woke Victor up at ten in the morning.

"I'm busy today.." This is what he said when he wome up. His long bangs covered most of his face, and his ferocious eyes were more devilish then the one in front of him.

Ah, damn, if I had known he was angry, I wouldn't have woken him. Satanick thought to himself, and then slowly moved away from the bed, almost tripped, so he blurted out distasteful sentences, like when he said,: "Would you like to have breakfast together? Let's have a breakfast date?".

People who just wake up are always irrational. Victor was probably too sleepy, or maybe he didn't think about it at all. In short, he said "..alright" before he wanted to refuse. This made them both confused..

"Wait...? Actually?" Satanick began to doubt himself.
"That's interesting." Victor climbed out of bed and put on the coat. "You still need to give me your opinion on this experiment."

"Deal." "Really?" "Of course." Satanick leaned his cheek against the other person's neck, nuzzling around like a cat asking for a hug. Victor, as if he was used to this strange relationship, gently stroked the Demon King's back with his left hand.

"Okay, good morning." The Demon King placed a light kiss on the other person's cheek.

THIS STORYY IS BY Penicillin62 ON ao3!!

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