Chapter 39- Agreement.

Começar do início

"Then what do you suggest? He'll recognize any of the workers, and us." "Zaria." I tense at his suggestion. "No." I snap. "She will not be at that club tonight. The Italians will be there as well. I won't risk it."

"Hear me out D, I'm not crazy about the idea either but ZZ can do it. She's far from ugly, and she already knows about the... business. It'll be easy. We'll have men around the club, she'll be safe." Jayden perks up.

I don't like the idea of Zaria at the club. Aaron, the Italians, my father, will all be there. "No." I say once again. "We will find someone else."

"When? Huh? We don't exactly have time." "I hate to agree with Ryan, but he's right." Why is it the one time all these fuckers agree on something, it involves Zaria.

"You know me, would I let anything happen to my sister? Trust me on this." Jayden stands making his way over to me. I huff before staring at all of them. Is Ria really the person for this? Fuck, so many things could go wrong.

"Fine. But- only if she agrees. I won't force her into this shit. And if anything- and I mean anything happens to her tonight, I will kill you."

"Who would've thought we'd live to see the day Dagger actually cared for someone! Maybe that ice cold heart of yours actually does work! I could just cry!" Jayden dramatically throws his arms around me as Ryan follows.

"You've got 3 seconds to let go of me before I shoot you in the fucking head. 1. 2." They quickly shift away as Luca chuckles. "Ryan, Luca, go get everything set up at the club. The Italians will arrive at 6. I want you to keep them in the V.I.P area. I don't need them fucking shit up."

"On it." "And what about me?" "Jayden, you're coming to the dorm with me. Let's go." I head towards the door not giving him a chance to argue. Once in the car, he turns to me as I back out the driveway.

"So, arranged marriage?" He questions. My grip tightens on the steering wheel. "That shit isn't happening." I mutter. "Going to tell Zaria about it?" He continues. Jayden being so... nonchalant about me and Zaria surprised me.

He took some of his anger out on me in the ring, I'll give him that. The fucker packs a mean punch. But other than that, he's warned me not to fuck with her.

"There's nothing to tell." I swiftly answer slightly adjusting in my seat. "Dante if your father proceeds with this-" " I said it's not happening." I snap.

The remaining time of the ride is silent as we reach the dorm.

. . .


"You're kidding right?" I clutch my stomach trying to catch my breath from laughing too hard. "No ZZ, we are quite serious." Jayden responds his face stripped of any emotions. Dante on the other hand, hasn't said a word.

When they entered the dorm, Jayden took me through the whole... distraction idea. I'd have to drug a man? Lead him away? No way I could do that.

"What makes you think I could do that?" I say, still not fully convinced they were being serious. "You have the confidence, and the attitude. Look. We'd be there the whole time. Talking you through everything." He continues.

I glance at Dante who's scrolling away on his phone. "Is he on board for this?" I question. Jayden glances at him before sighing. "He's worried. About you." That made my heart do a back flip.

"I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about the deal." He mutters. I glance at Jayden as he mouths the word liar. I smile a little before turning to Dante.

"I'll do it." His eyes fly to mine as his grip on his phone tightens. "I knew you'd do it!" Jayden picks me up spinning me around. "Put me down before I change my mind!" I warn as he slowly lowers me back to my feet.

"It's almost 5... he's supposed to show up around 7. You'll need to be ready by then. Dante will take you I'm sure. I'm going to check in with Ryan and Luca. They should be here soon to pick me up."

I nod before glancing at Dante who hasn't said a word. "Dress nice. I'll get Ryan to get make you an earpiece. You see later." He pecks my cheek before leaving the dorm.

Dante stands, grabbing my hands bringing my body closer to his. "I was really fucking hoping you'd say no." He mumbles playing with my ring. "Why? Worried I'll mess up your deal?" "I don't give a fuck about the deal. I want you safe."

Dante's gaze drops and it's looks like he's... nervous? "I'll be ok. It's just a short task right? You'll be there with me." I reassure him. He nods "you're right." He huffs before pulling me into a hug.

We stay like this for a moment before I tap his back. "Uh Dante? I kind of have to get ready..." he slowly lets me go retrieving his phone. "This is Aaron." He shows me a picture of a man who doesn't look too much older than me.

"He's kinda cute." I blurt out. Dante slips his phone back in his pocket before gripping my chin. "Sweetheart, don't make me fuck this plan up by killing him now." he warns. "I was only kidding.. you look much better."

"Good. Now here's the plan." He lets go of my chin as he explains everything I'll need to do tonight. Am I doing this? I'm really doing this.

                               . . .

"Here's your ear piece." Ryan hands me the smallest little bud and I place it in my ear. "How do I know if it works?" "Zaria!" Jayden shouts and I feel a ringing in my ear from how loud he was.

"Fucking hell Jay!" "It works." He laughs before Dante exits his car. "You guys go get set up. It's almost 6." I attempt to follow them into the club, but Dante grabs my arm.

"Not you." I turn to him with a look of confusion. His eyes wonder over my outfit as a smirk forms on his face. "You look good.. a little too good." I decided on a short, champagne dress that hugged my curves. If I was doing this I might as well look good right? I let my curls fall to my shoulders.

He leans in closer wrapping his arms around my waist. "What if someone sees you with me?" I glance around the parking lot.

"I don't give a fuck. You're still mine. This little deal doesn't change anything. His hand creeps up to my neck turning my head to face his. "I'm not responsible for what happens if you let that fucker touch you Zaria."

His tone is dark.. and his eyes hold a fiery glare. "Isn't that the whole point of the deal- you guys said I might to get.. close to him." I say, holding his gaze.

"I know. But if he makes you too uncomfortable, tell me. I don't give a fuck about the deal. You hear me?" I nod. "Words, Zaria." "Yes Dante I hear you."

"Good. Go in around back, Luca should be there to open the door. Ryan will watch the cameras and tell you when he arrives." "Ok." I attempt to pull away but he keeps his arms wrapped around my waist.

"You kind of need to let me go now Dante." I motion to his hands still on my waist. "I don't think I can let you go now sweetheart." He pecks my cheek and I feel my face burning. He chuckles before a voice sounds in my ear.

"So sorry to break up this little conversation— which I enjoyed listening to—  but you two need to get moving it's almost 6. Let's go!" Ryan's says through our  ear pieces.

"You heard everything...?" I question. "Yes sweetheart I did." He responds, trying to make his voice deep like Dante's. "Don't fucking call her that. We're on our way in. Ria- be safe."

I nod, as I go to find Luca and Dante enters through the main door. I guess I'm really doing this? Oh gosh.


Ok yall... thank yall for 20k reads and a 1k votes... that's actually insane😭😭😭 and yall got the last chapter to like- 30 votes?! 🩵🩵 thank yall smmm!!

I'm raising the vote number for an update... to 15.. can yall do it? 🤔 let's see!

Thank you all for choosing to read my terribly written book, but I will be editing chapters throughout the week too to fix a few things!!! See yall next chapter



Checkmate. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora