15. suddenly everything has changed

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"Come on, B. Davis." Emma stood up and gave her hand to the girl, who took it. "See you later." Emma said to Haley and Peyton.

"Where are we going?" Brooke asked.

"For your therapy." Emma said and Brooke arched one of her eyebrows. "To spend money on pretty and shiny things." Brooke gave a genuine light smile.

"Thank you, Emm's."

The girls found one of their favorite stores and were looking through the rings, trying them on.

"Emm's, what do I do?" Brooke asked, and Emma wanted to make a joke to distract Brooke.

"Brooke, there's nothing wrong if you want to walk away before trying to be friends. It's not like your feelings are going to change overnight." Brooke nodded and hugged Emma. Brooke nodded and hugged Emma. "Brooke, it's his loss. You're loyal, you're empathetic, you're talented, you're an excellent friend and you're so much more than your looks." Emma held Brooke's face with one hand on each side of the girl's face. "You are beautiful from the inside out, Brooke Penelope Davis."

Brooke smiled at her friend and nodded.

"Aw, how cute you look, Emm's." Emma smiled at her friend and nudged her. "Oh, Emm's, Ethan's making you like melted butter." Brooke nudged the girl.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear." Emma muttered. "Brooke, I'm sorry." Brooke looked at the girl uncomprehendingly. "My cell phone is dead, I didn't think you'd be sad and-" Brooke interrupted the girl.

"Emm's, it's okay. It wasn't your fault, but thank you for sticking by me." Emma nodded.


Emma was in her bedroom, sitting on the carpet in the middle of the room with a notebook next to her and her guitar on her lap. Emma was writing in her notebook when she noticed a figure sitting next to her. Emma took a deep breath, feeling Ethan's perfume invade her nostrils.

"Hey, Pompoms." Ethan gave the girl a peck on the lips and when he leaned over a little to try to read what was in the notebook, Emma closed it.

"Hey, E." Emma looked at him.

Emma noticed that Ethan had dark circles under his eyes, his eyes were never very bright, but this time they seemed to be a little sadder, Ethan was holding one of Emma's hands and stroking it with his thumb.

"Do you want to vent?" Emma asked.

Ethan laid his head back, Emma put the guitar aside and Ethan quickly laid his head on the girl's lap, still holding Emma's hand, while the girl used her other hand to smooth Ethan's hair.

"I think I've lost another mother." Ethan said, and Emma remained silent, waiting for the boy to continue. "Karen can't even look at my dad straight, like he's some sort of a monster." Ethan sighed and closed his eyes.

"Karen is the only mother figure I've ever had, if she doesn't talk to my father anymore, what reason would she have to have me around?" Ethan asked.

"Have you been with her?" Ethan mumbled a 'yes'. "And?"

"She's busy, I can't be any more of a worry or burden to her." Ethan said muttering.

"Ethan, you're not a burden. I'm sure she'd be more relieved if you came by more often." Emma says.

"Yeah, maybe. She told me to come by more often, but she's busy and I feel weird being there when she's mad at my dad." Ethan explained.

"I imagine she really was genuine. Have you talked to your father about it, E.?" Ethan shook his head.

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