chapter 6

19 1 12

Aug 23

We met up with Grady at lunch. I couldn't get that dream out of my head no matter how much I tried. I was also going out of my way to avoid Alden....well more then usual.

"You okay" Grady asks and I look up at him
"Yeah...yeah I'm fine...why...uh why do you ask?" I say very proud of my voice not giving away my thoughts

It's weird somehow Grady can tell by my voice what I'm thinking about even if it changes slightly and no one else can tell he can. It. Terrifies. Me.

"Your lying" he says glaring at me
"Ummm I'm not"
"You studdard you never studder"

CURSE MY VOICE!!!!...Oh and curse Grady to I guess

"I'm not studdering" I say grateful my voice held strong
"Mhm" he went to say more but Alden came up to our table with his friends


one I recognized as Quinlin he's a strong telepath who is also working with Alden in cognate training. The others were two girls I didn't recognize I assumed the older looking one was Edaline.

"What do you want Alden" I say with a glare
"Geez Alden's right your really defensive" Quinlin said and I move my glare to him making him back up a step then back at Alden
"Can we sit here our table is taken"
Alden said and I fold my arms
"Fine but your not allowed to talk to me" I say
"Deal" he said and sat next to me me with Quinlin by him and the younger looking girl next to Kessler with the older one next to Grady
"Uh why is he glaring at you" Quinlin asks pointing to Grady
"Because he thinks I'm hiding something"
"Well are you" the younger girl asks
"Thats up for debate" I say still eating
"She was blushing when I woke her up this morning maybe she was dreaming about a boy" Kessler says and I blush "your a dirty little traitor" I say looking at him
"That explains the studdering" Grady said
"You can studder?" alden asks
"What did I say about talking to me?"
Alden groans and grabs the same notebook from last nigh and wrote something down in it. I caught a glimpse and it said 'I can't stand Alexis she is sooooo annoying she won't even let me talk to her'

Oh yeah definitely a dairy. i am so stealing that later

"Fine you can talk to me as long as you don't put me in that diary of yours"
This causes Alden to blush and quickly put the notebook away. I laugh hard at this and my dimples are clear as day
"Woah you can smile" Quinlin says obviously as a joke "and I didn't know you had dimples"
"For your information they're genetic all my family on the dizznee side has them"
"That's cool" the girl next to Grady said
" the way what's your name?"
"Oh I'm Edaline"

Haha I was right

"And that's juline" she said gesturing to the girl next to Kessler who might I add Kessler can't stop talking to

Que the teasing

"Kessler no matter how pretty she is you still need to eat" I tease him
He starts blushing crazily then glares at me
"Welp thats my que to leave later Mr.vacker" I say to alden as I crusty wink then run off.

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