chapter 1

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(I do not own any of the characters or the places all rights go to Keeper Of The Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger)

Aug 21:
People say new year new you for me it's another year another year having to deal with him. Alden Vacker one of the most annoying people in this whole school.

Now you may be asking 'why wouldn't you like alden he's sooo perfect and handsome.' That is the whole reason I hate him! I mean its not like his perfect smile and his beautiful teal eyes are something I want to look at 24/7. And it's definitely not like I like him or anything.

He just thinks he's the best person in the whole elf world just because his great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather is on the council. I mean all councilor Fallon can do is make light apear. Aka he's a flasher but I guess part of it is the vackers have had more family in the nobility then anyone else.

But to be honest my favorite council member probably is Bronte. He's my inflicting mentor.
Wait did I not mention I'm an inflictor well I am. Everyone is scared of me because of if it and I don't care it means I can protect my little brother Kessler. He's talentless, means everyone bullies him. And because of it i made a friend Grady he's a mesmer. We're in the same boat everyone thinks he's gonna control them and they think I might hurt them. I mean underdogs gotta stick together.

That's another reason I don't like Alden Vacker he's a telepath as in he can read people's minds. Luckily they figured out that telepaths need laws to avoid them invading everyone's minds.

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