Random Information Pt. 2

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Biggest Ally:

River Song: River Song could initially appear as a mysterious figure who takes an interest in Hope's unusual abilities and her connection to the Doctor. She might introduce herself to the group during one of their encounters with a time anomaly or alien threat, offering cryptic advice and hints about Hope's true identity. As a fellow time traveler with her own enigmatic past, River could become a mentor figure to Hope, guiding her on her journey to uncover the secrets of her merged existence.

Jack Harkness: Jack Harkness could cross paths with the group during a high-stakes mission involving a dangerous alien artifact or a rogue time traveler. His charismatic personality and roguish charm could instantly draw the attention of Hope, Junia, Matthew, and Kristen, leading to an unlikely alliance as they work together to thwart the threat. Jack's experience as a former Time Agent and leader of Torchwood could prove invaluable to the group, as they navigate the complexities of time travel and face off against formidable adversaries.

Martha Jones: Martha Jones could enter the picture when Hope and her friends find themselves in need of medical assistance after a skirmish with an alien creature or a malfunctioning piece of technology. As a trained medical professional, Martha could offer her expertise and aid in treating any injuries sustained during the encounter. Impressed by the group's bravery and determination, Martha might choose to accompany them on their adventures, eager to lend her skills to their cause and uncover the truth behind Hope's unique abilities.

Sarah Jane Smith: Sarah Jane Smith could become involved in the group's exploits when they stumble upon a series of mysterious events occurring in their local community. Investigating reports of strange occurrences and unexplained phenomena, Sarah Jane could cross paths with Hope, Junia, Matthew, and Kristen, recognizing in them the same sense of curiosity and courage that drove her own adventures with the Doctor. As they join forces to unravel the mystery, Sarah Jane could serve as a mentor figure to the group, sharing her knowledge of alien life and providing guidance as they navigate the dangers of the unknown.

Mickey Smith: Mickey Smith could enter the group's orbit when they encounter a technological threat that requires his expertise in hacking and computer systems. As a skilled technician and former companion of the Doctor, Mickey could offer his assistance in deciphering alien technology and devising strategies to overcome their adversaries. Drawn to the group by their shared experiences and common goals, Mickey could become a valued member of their team, using his ingenuity and resourcefulness to help them tackle whatever challenges lie ahead.

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