21-Breach In The School

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~~James POV~~

"Wouldn't you be considered as a Blood Witch?" I questioned father, sucking on a Jolly Roncher.

"Kind of." Ferin shrugged, gulping down some blood from a glass. "I don't sacrifice to the gods every day."

I scoffed. "Then what about your file?"

"Yes, I was trained as a specialist but went under Rosalind's wing after she found out my abilities." Ferin turned to face me. "How did you know I was still alive?"

"If you were dead, we would be visiting your grave every anniversary-"

"That's nice-"

"-to dance all over it. Maybe we'd get some dogs to pee on it every day, too."

"F$ck you." Ferin turned back to the path we were walking on.

"What do you expect?" I held up my hands in surrender.

"First of all, don't use that tone with me. Second of all, calm your d!ck, we're almost there." Ferin ducked under a plant.

"It's not my fault SOMEBODY decided to break out of their barrier, making me miss out on my nightly d!ck sharing." I rolled my eyes, slapping away a tree limb.

"At least I still get b!tches." Ferin shook his head.

"At least my soulmates are still alive." I counter back.

We reached the stone clearing where Bloom and Rosalind stood.

"Took you long enough." Rosalind chuffed before looking at Bloom and I. "Ready for trick number two?"

Bloom smiled a bit while I was worried about what they'd do.

Ferin stood beside Rosalind, both hands over the center piece stone. Electricity trickled between their hands and the stone, the barrier glowing.


"We think the Burned One's through there." The girl confirmed. "Pull it up again."

Riven pulled out his phone, handing it to the girl as the video played of the female specialist getting marked by one.

The noises of bones and branches were loud, making the specialists cringe.

"Kat." Silva warned.

"I recognize the hollow Noura ran past." Kat finalized her suspicion.

"Right, let's go." Silva started walking off.

"Wait, wait." Riven stopped them. "Without fairies? We counted at least six Burned Ones. That's f$cking stupid."

"That's an order, Riven." Skye cut in. "Suck it up."

Both looked at each other with slight hatred.

"Let's go." Silva repeated, starting his walk.

A distant screech was heard behind them. Everyone looked in the direction.

"That noise isn't coming from the forest. It's coming from the school." Skye felt his foot twitch, wanting to run over quick.

"Get back and gather all the students and bring them to the courtyard. Move!" Silva ordered, watching the students run off.


Both Winchesters watch Bloom trying to control her flame.

"If Bloom can not do this, you have to be up for the job." Ferin informed his son.

"F$ck you, father." James grunted, watching the fairy back Rosalind up.

"You want me to listen to you and trust you, and let you guide me?" Bloom pointed behind her, gritting her teeth. "I just met you."

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